Chapter Thirty

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"I'd like to have someone up," Josh announces. "Isla baby, can you come here?"

Everyone looks between the two of them in shock and then it hits her about what is going to go down. She doesn't move and Henley grabs her arm and drags her up on stage.

"Henley!" Victoria stands in shock.

"She will thank me later!" Henley comes back.

Victoria giggles and shakes her head at her friend. Isla, still in shock, stands next to Josh as he continues his speech.

"You captured my eye the moment I saw you at the surf shop a year ago. Ever since then you have been the most amazing soundboard, most amazing partner, and single-handedly the most amazing person. Fate has taken a chance at our meeting and I don't want to let it down. Will you do me the honor and marry me?" He drops down on one knee and opens a box.

The whole block of people is cheering and screaming for her to say yes. Isla is not good at being the center of attention but it seems as if the crows aren't even there. She wraps her arms around Josh and he screams into the microphone, "SHE SAID YES!"

Everyone goes nuts and Victoria is on cloud 9 for her friend.

"GOD! He finally had the balls to do it!" Henley states.

"What?" Victoria looks over in shock.

"Yeah, he's had that ring for like 6 months. We've talked about it a lot," Henley admits.

"YOU KNEW?" Victoria squeals.

"Of course I knew! I know everything," She winks at her friend.

"That I will give you," Victoria points.

The happy couple walks over and the friends are eager to congratulate them.

"I can't believe it," Isla reveals. "Henley, are you ok with all this?"

"Why wouldn't I be? He finally did it!" Henley gives Josh a high five.

"I know! Thanks for having my back on this,"

"You knew!" Isla looks confused.

"Yeah, he's the only one in the group I haven't really had to threaten," Henley laughs.

"Well..." Isla starts.

"That wasn't hurting any of us and that was genuinely a matter of fact statement. There is a difference," Henley corrects.

"True statement," Gunnar admits.

"I am happy for you guys. Truly!" Henley beams at her friend.

"I can't wait for wedding planning!" Victoria shouts.

"Dress shopping!" Henley adds.

"Cake tasting," Victoria rolls her eyes in pleasure.

"Bachelorette party!" They say together.

The girls sit and talk more about the engagement and as the event comes to a close the vendors give their designated proceeds to Gunnar. He goes to his office and starts to add everything up. After a while, he comes out with a look of panic and excitement mixed. The news host sees him and rushes over.

"Gunnar, why did you do this event?" they ask.

Gunnar takes a moment to catch his breath and gather his thoughts. "I was lucky growing up with two parents who loved and supported me. When my dad passed away it left just my mom and I. I felt a bit alone and out of place in this world. Then she married Ben and I gained an incredible brother and sister. I then was lucky enough to find I had another sister. So I went from one family member to add four more. Today I am blessed with my initial family and have gained two more brothers from school and two sisters from my amazing wife." He starts. "All of this wouldn't be possible without my wife. My wife alone gave me love and support from the beginning before this was even a thought. Come here baby," He motions for her to join him.

She walks up and stands next to him with their baby girl in her arms. "My mom used to say, "Just because you carry your burdens does not mean they aren't heavy." Sometimes people carry things so heavy and it looks like they carry nothing at all. I was blessed with support and I've come to find that there is a vast amount of kids that do not have that. This center is here for the kids. It is a safe place for them during the day while the parent is at work and it gives the parent a calm mindset that their child is in a thriving environment." Gunnar continues. "We want to teach these kids that no matter how hard this world can be that anything is possible if you make your mind up and go after what you want,"

"That's Incredible, now a big question: How much money have you raised today?" The news asks.

"I am happy to report we have raised $75,000 from personal donations, private donations, and designated proceeds from all of these vendors. There is a link to all of the vendors on our website so please feel free to check them out!" Gunnar continues holding onto his wife and daughter. "These funds will be used for the center. For the outreach programs, develop more relationships all over the country to ensure the kids in this neighborhood have the opportunity to see and experience any part of the future they want. That is why we are here. FOR THE KIDS!"

The news anchor thanks Gunnar and turns back towards the camera to finish their session. News and vendors are all packing up from a successful day.

Gunnar calls for the family and friends to gather. "Family, gather around! Thank you for everything! Not just today but for everything from the past to this moment. This would not be capable without your support!"

"We love you, bro," Hudson pats him on the back.

"Proud of you! You've been the best emotional support person in our lives," Everett snaps a picture of Gunnar getting emotional.

"Been the brother I never had and always needed, badly," Josh admits.

"Had my back numerous times, except trying to pick these ladies up. It was still a good pick up line," everyone groans at Richard who is laughing. "We've all got your back brother,"

"It's what family does," Isla adds.

"Left hook and all," Henley wiggles her eyebrows at Gunnar and holds up her fist.

Gunnar eyes her and they fall into a deep belly laugh. Gunnar is the only one in the group to receive that left hook and he will never be on the receiving end of that again.

"Your mom and I always said..." Ben starts.

"Small acts make the biggest impacts," Sadie finishes.

"It takes one person, one act, one thing to make anyone thing possible," Ben adds.

"Love, you may think that you are the lucky one but see this," Victoria gestures to everyone, "You are the glue that holds us all together. You are a safe place. We love you tremendously!"

Gunnar gets teary-eyed. He was wanting to do a speech but these fools beat him to it. "I love each and every one of you! So much!"

He gives a kiss to his wife and daughter. Looking at his family, his big extended family, and feels that things can't get better than this moment, although he knows it will.

In the few weeks following the block party, the event proved to be an absolute success. The center's publicity has increased and funding is way more than Gunnar could've possibly expected. They are talking of opening another center in Josh's next hotel location, wherever that may be. Isla has agreed to join his team and help. Henley and Richard became a couple even if they don't admit it. Henley is a firecracker and definitely keeps Richard on his toes. He's constantly trying to prove her wrong.

Jake pleaded guilty for the assault and faced jail time for that and for spiking Gunnar's drink. He is being held with no bail and waiting for final sentencing. He still won't give a reason for it all, not that it matters.

Gunnar knows that no matter where you are in life, be sure to know there is a plan in place for you. If you can have patience enough, life will guide you where you are meant to be with the people you are meant to meet. Whether they are there for a short time or a long time, it is these people, these moments that make you into the person you are today. Embrace the good and the bad with it all.

From loss to love, the journey continues

   -   THE END - 

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