Chapter Twenty Eight

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It's the day before the fundraiser and the ladies are sitting at the house as the men are in the city setting up the last minute things. Their friends have been in town for a few days and Vitoria and Gunnar have loved having them here. The girls are playing with Zoey and Victoria is making a late lunch for everyone.

"Living Room or a patio?" Victoria asks.

"Patio!" They both yell.

"Will someone get the drinks and I'll bring the food?" Victoria yells back.

"I'll get Zoey!" Isla talks in a high pitched voice. Babies are definitely on her mind.

Victoria and Henley set the table outside. Isla is still holding onto Zoey and rocking her back and forth. She looks up at Victoria as she sits down, "It looks good on you, you know,"

"What?" Victoria looks around confused, "Do I have spit up on my shirt?"

"No silly, smiling. We've never seen you so happy!" Henley explains.

The comment takes Victoria back but melts in the context. "I've never been this happy," she says. "I sent the journals off to be made into a book. Ladies, that's it. Bucket list is complete. I am still so afraid I'm going to wake up from this dream,"

"You did!" Isla beams. "Man! Almost four years and it's done! Oscar would be so proud. This isn't a dream dear friend, you built this life. You realize that right,"

"Huh," Henley lets out a huff, "You know I never realized that but yeah, all of this is because of you,"

"Me?" Victoria looks back and forth between her friends confused.

"Though it was us that pushed you to see Gunnar for the reunion. But since then basically, every decision has been yours," Isla explains more.

"Going back to Gunnar, you could've easily walked away. You could've said no to marriage, no to living with and building this life,"" Henley coos at Zoey.

"He makes it easy to love him. Gunnar is amazing," Victoria blushes.

"Yeah, he can take a hit for sure!" Henley laughs.

They all fall into hard laughter. "I know! He will never live that down!" Victoria holds her stomach.

"Hell no! Josh was impressed and scared!" Henley states proudly.

"Richard too! He told Josh... "Well, Daaaaaaammmmnn"." Isla laughs.

"OH! Richard almost met the left hook!" Henley chuckles.

Victoria and Isla stop their laugh and stare at their friend in shock. Henley and Richard talk?!

"When!" Isla exerts too excitedly.

"A few months ago. I was at a bar having a drink and he was there with the lame pick up lines," Henley barely explains.

Victoria rolls her eyes. "What happened!"

"We got into it. We got so loud yelling at each other by the bar that they kicked us out! Can you believe it!" Henley starts taking a bite of food as if it was really no big deal.

"Well, it isn't the first time for you," Isla reminds.

"True, but I didn't do anything wrong. I just explained to him that his shit wasn't good. Of course, he tried to prove me wrong and hit on a busty blonde. She was all over him in a hot second,"

"How did you get kicked out?" Victoria stares at Henley.

"After she was all over him and wanting to leave with him, he told her to hold on. He walked right up to me to tell me I don't know shit and that he was that good,"

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