Chapter Twenty Four

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June comes quick and Gunnar walks out of the completed barn conversion. A forever home for him and his family. They are here doing the final walk and checking off a few things before they go sign off on everything at the courthouse so they can move in. He never imagined this old barn as being his new home but now that it's complete he can't imagine having anything else.

He stands on his new front porch and looks at his beautiful fiance standing outside in the front yard. She still takes his breath away. She looks out onto the rolling hills and trees that surround the property wearing a white summer dress that gently covers her pregnant belly. When she turns to look back at him, Gunnar can't quite explain this feeling.

"Ready to move in?" Victoria walks back to him.

"Let's go," He smiles.

They are having a cookout at the house this evening to celebrate all the hard work they've put into the house. They haven't gotten married yet and they haven't spoken about it too much. One thing at a time is what Victoria would say.

They sit and sign off on all the paperwork for the house and get the official notice to move in. Gunnar's smile is so big at the moment. He is so happy at this moment until they leave the office. Confusion sets in.

"What are you guys doing here?" He almost yells. He walks out to everyone standing around. Sadie, Ben, Hudson, Everett, Allie, Josh, Isla, and even Henley. "Why are you here?"

Victoria is smiling behind him holding a secret that he doesn't know. It's the moment of truth for her and she is crossing her fingers that he likes this surprise.

"Really, why are all of you here?" Gunnar is slightly annoyed that everyone is just smiling at him and not saying anything. He turns back to a grinning Victoria.

"Well, you've asked when we are getting married... and..."

"You said one thing at a time,"

"I did. I know we have the cookout this evening and well I thought once we got the final sign off, we can just continue to celebrate all day until the cookout,"

"I'm not following,"

"Yeah, I'm screwing this up," Victoria nervously laughs, "What do you say? Want to go in front of the Justice of the Peace and get married right now?"

Silence fills the entryway and Gunnar is in complete shock.

"If not, that's ok. I just thought this would be..." She can't even finish her sentence as Gunnar pulls her in for a hug and kisses her hard.

"That's why everyone is here?"

"I told them I was surprising you with this and if they wanted to be here, they could be apart of it,"

Gunnar grabs her hand and pulls her through the hallways. "Where is it? Where is the dude? This way?" He points.

"Baby, no it's this way," Victoria laughs hard.

"Oh, ok. Come on! I don't want to wait a minute more!" he pretty much drags her to the office. Grabbing the paperwork to fill out and they just sit and wait their turn. Gunnar is pacing in front of everyone checking the time.

"Is he ok? Was this a good idea?" Victoria whispers to Sadie.

"It's a great idea. I honestly think it's perfect for him and you," Sadie says. "He is very excited."

Victoria nods her head and turns to Ben, "Ben, can I ask you something?"

"What's up sweet girl?"

"Would you consider giving me away? You've been more of a father figure to me and Gunnar. You guys have always looked out for me and I can never pay you back for that,"

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