Part 19

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Next day in college

In Fab5 Jam room

Fab5 was busy practicing their music but today it was little different. Mukti was behaving weirdly. She couldn't focus on her music. Her face could depict she was angry. And rest could clearly figure it out. Frustated by her behavior, Manik asked

Manik - Mukti what's wrong with you? Why can't you focus?

Mukti (angrily) - Do you mean I am bad at it?

Manik - Mukti you are taking me wrong. I mean to say what happened? Why are you so disturbed?

Cabir - And Mukti let me tell you, you are acting weird.

Manik - Cabir Shut up.

Manik went to Mukti and asked

Manik -What happened?

Mukti (sadly) - I am sorry Manik actually I had some argument with Mumma. And you know how my relationship with her is. So it just made me disturbed.

Manik - It's okay yaar. Chill! Just try to focus. You can and we know it, right guys!

All - Of course!

Alya - Cheer up!

Mukti smiled at them and nodded to start again.

Again they got to their places and started their practice. Just when Mukti was getting hang of it, someone entered bursting the door open and that was none other than Nandini with a box of sweets.

Nandini (extremely happy) - Guys there is a good new.........

Mukti (angrily) - What the hell Nandini! Will you please live us alone for a while? God damn we are practicing. We are not always free to get involved in your problems.

Nandini got shocked seeing Mukti in so much anger.

Rest were confused what to say.

Nandini - Mukti I was just...

Mukti- Oh please Nandini! Do we disturb you when you do your so called riyaz? So please now leave from here before I burst out on you again.

Nandini first of all got really scared and hurt hearing Mukti's tone. She glanced at all trying to know what happened to Mukti.

Manik - I think Nandini you should go now.

Manik might have said it simply just to save Nandini from futher outburst but it sounded like he was talking too rudely. It hurt Nandini very badly.

Nandini (controlling her tears) - Sorry to disturb you all.

Nandini gave a small fake smile to them and turned to go. When she turned, some tears flew out of her eyes which were seen by Manik who felt very bad.

After she left.

Alya - Mukti what you did? Atleast you could have listen to her. She was really happy.

Mukti - Please Alya. I don't want to speak about anything now. Let's take a break guys.

Saying so she left from there.

Dhruv - Today is really a bad day!

Alya - And Manik what was the need to ask Nandini to go from here. It was sounding so rudely!

Manik - Rudely! Are you mad? I was just saving her from Mukti's outburst.

Cabir - Leave it guys! Let's have some food. And we have to see what the good news is which Nandini wanted to say.

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