Part 17

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In College

Peon went after asking Nandini to come. All frowned while Nandini was busy recollecting if she has done anything wrong.

Navya - What have you done Nandini?

Nandini - I don't know. ( biting her nails)

Cabir - Ms Nandu, Rather than eating nails go and see. If any problem, call us.

Alya- But ' Sir' means who is he? I mean our Princi or trusty sir

Nandini ( murmured) - Hope its Principal sir and not trusty sir

Manik who was standing besides her, looked at herwith doubt which was noticed by Nandini who averted her eyes.

Nandini - I will come.

Outside Principal's office

Nandini was not at all willing to go but then went in .


Principal was sitting and Niyonika was walking from here and there waiting for Nandini.

Niyonika - Nandini, how much time you take to come?

Nandini- I am sorry mam.

Principal - Nandini, we need your help.

Nandini - Mine?

Niyonika - Ya yours. You need to teach our students classical music. From the incident that happened because of Pandit Trilok Chaurasiya, no student is trusting us regarding teaching classical music. If you want, we can give you payment for it.

Nandini - No no thats not needed but (smiling in mind ) Mam, I need to talk to you.

Niyonika instructs Principal to leave. He leaves with a face ' Its my office and you are asking me to leave'

After he left,

Nandini - Mam I don't want any payment from you but I definitely need something else.

Niyonika ( ignoring her) - What?


Niyonika( shocked and angry) - WHAT?

Nandini - Please for teaching music and Sorry for many things you are doing with us.

Niyonika - And why do you think, I will do that?

Nandini - If you need my help, then you will? Afterall you are also making me do things which I don't like. Like 'BREAKUP'

Niyonika closed her eyes in frustration and said with a fake smile

Niyonika - Please Nandini teach music in our college and I am sorry.

Nandini - Actually I think you should say sorry to all of us. Fab5, Navya and ...

Niyonika ( shouts ) - Okay fine

Nandini ( smiles ) - Sweetly Ha!

Nandini went from there. Niyonika followed her. Nandini was feeling so good.

She saw her friends standing there. She smiled at them and said

Nandini - Be ready for the surprise.

All got confused but then spoted Niyonika coming to them. Niyonika came to them.

Niyonika - I am sorry.

Zubin was drinking water. Hearing her, he spit water on her shoes.

Zubin - I am so sorry Mam but nice joke.

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