23 - midsummers

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I cannot believe you talked me into this Sarah." I grumble, fidgeting with the straps to my baby blue dress. "Oh don't complain. If I have to go to this thing I'm bringing you down with me. Now stop messing with it, you look fine." She slaps my hand off of the hem of my dress and reaches up to fix the white flower crown bobby-pinned into my scalp so tight I thought she was going to puncture my brain.

As we walk in following my parents, who seem weirdly okay after earlier today, and Sarah's parents I scan the crowd of people, not really knowing what I'm searching for until my gaze lands on topper, who is staring right at Sarah. Oh this isn't going to end well.

"Unfortunately no lover boy but boyfriend coming up two o'clock." I nudge Sarah, glancing at topper and she gets my message, squeezing my hand before letting go and walking towards him. Not knowing what to do with my hands I cross them over my stomach.

"Hey how have you been?" A voice says from behind me and I spin around to see Kelce, wearing a salmon colored suit with a checkered undershirt. "I've been pretty busy but other than that I'm good. How about you?"

"I've been good. Hey Lilah can we talk about what happened at the party?" His face softens as his hand reaches out to me and my first instinct is to flinch. "What's there to talk about? I'm sorry Kelce but I don't feel the same way. Besides I'm in a relationship, but that doesn't mean that we can't still be friends." I place a hand onto his shoulder but he immediately shrugs it off. "No Delilah. We can't."

He turns on his heal and starts to walk away but I catch his arm. "Kelce wait." He yanks it out of my reach, shaking his head. "Whoever the asshole is, I hope you guys are happy." He continues to storm off, meeting up with Rafe and topper.

"What was that about?" Sarah comes up nexts to me, handing me a glass of wine and I bring it to my lips and immediately remove it, handing it back to Sarah.

"Okay one, I can't have that cause of... and two Kelce is in love with me and I tried to let him down easy and he basically told me to fuck myself. How was your talk with topper?" I huff, sitting down onto a chair circling the dance floor.

"Not good. I need to break up with him but I'm not really sure how. Or when. Any advice?" She asks, slumping into the chair next to me and I can't help but laugh. "You are asking the wrong person. I fell for a Pogue and got my dumbass pregnant so I wouldn't take life advice from me."

"Fair point." She laughs softly, and we both shift our gaze over to our parents and their friends. Ward is laughing at something that my dad said as my mother is attached to him by the arm. "Why are your parents acting like nothing happened?"

"Because my father is a psychopath and my mother is in denial." I say bluntly, accidentally making eye contact with my mom who waves Sarah and I over to them. Sarah and I share the same look before I get up, groaning, and we make our way over to them.

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