07 - intruder

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After the events of last night I was in no state to face my parents so instead I went to the only place I could feel safe. Sarah's house. The second I walked into her house she could tell something was wrong and I broke down then and there. I already wasn't feeling well when I left John B's house and the JJ issue was helping one bit.

I'm not sure if my breakdown was because of JJ and I's fight or because I had almost died twice in the past 4 hours and felt mentally and physically sick. Sarah didn't ask questions, she knew not to when in came to me. She was my ride or die and that's all that mattered.

After I had calmed down she suggested that we go sleep out on the boat since it was so hot in her house. I, of course, didn't argue and sometime between then and now I passed out on the couch of the boat.

The first thing I heard when I woke up was metal clattering against something and I sprang up to see John B staring at me, the tanks in his hand.

"Are you trying to draw attention to yourself? Shut up Sarah is sleeping!" I whisper yell and he mouths a 'Sorry' as he tries to maneuver around the pillows that are scattered on the floor. "Li shut the hell up." Sarah mutters from beside me, still half asleep.

That is until John B tries to set one of the tanks down and they all clink together, making Sarah jolt up from her slumber. She rubs her eyes for a second before looking at me and then looking at John B, who's frozen in the middle of the room.

"You're not Delilah or Wheezy." She furrows her eyebrows as she sits up and I struggle to hold in my laughter. "Correct." John B sighs before setting the tanks down to look at both of us.

He laughs nervously as he runs his hand through his hair, sighing "I'm sorry." Next to me, Sarah collapses beck down before planting her hand on her forehead, "What are you doing?"

"Uh... I'm just dropping off some scuba gear."he stammers, saying the statement more as a question than an answer. "What are- what are you guys doing... here?"

Sarah shrugs, frowning. "It's our boat." And I try to play along, "It's also one of the only places with air conditioning. And if you couldn't tell it's kinda hot." John B nods saying a quick, "Right."as he picks up the tanks from the floor.

"Did you um...top up the tanks?" Sarah asks, stretching her arms as she yawns slightly. A confused look flashes across his face but he covers it well by quickly shaking his head. "Uh.... no. No, power's down so the compressors were off." He clears his throat, looking down.

"So you're sneaking onto our boat at five am with empty tanks? I'll make sure to tell Ward." She smirks and I can immediately tell she is lying. John B on the other hand can't, so he just gulps nervously.

"Okay. okay" he says, trying to stay as neutral as possible. "Cool. Cool. Just drop these off." He murmurs, setting the tanks down and looping the straps over his head. "Yeah in the middle of the room is fine." Sarah deadpans from beside me and a small giggle escapes my lips.

"Yep. That's pretty much what he told me to do." He starts to walk out of the boat and Sarah and I wave but at the last second he whips back around. "Actually, you know, what- what exactly were you going to tell your dad?"John b laughs nervously.

"Nothing much." Sarah shakes her head before glancing at me, then back to John B. "Just that you poached our scuba gear." John be looks at me, begging for me to intervene but I shoot him a knowing look. If Sarah ever knew I helped them she would have a conniption, especially since JJ held a gun to topper's head not even two days ago.

"Okay, fuck. I borrowed them for a few hours. Okay? And then I brought it back intact and unharmed." He explains and Sarah gets this mischievous look I know too well. "Minus air."

"Look." John B sighs, "Please don't tell him. He'll fire me." Sarah leans back, raising her eyebrows. "So what are you gonna do? Pull a gun on me?" There it was. What I had been waiting for her to bring up.

"I didn't know JJ was going to do that." He shakes his head and Sarah scoffs. "That's convenient to believe. Maybe you should get better friends." She fires, feeling satisfied but I know this isn't over.

"Maybe you should get a better boyfriend." He fires back but Sarah stands her ground. "Like one who doesn't poach?" Then and there you can physically see him give up.

"Look, please, just don't tell him. Okay?" he begs and I can't help but feel bad for him. In return Sarah just smiles. "Relax. I'm not gonna tell him anything. Your secret's safe with us John B." John B just smiles, standing there awkwardly.

"So are you gonna leave or..." I trail off and he snaps back into reality. "Right. Yeah. Uh... I'll leave- I'll that right there." He stammers, gesturing to the tanks before walking out the sliding door as I laugh.

"You need to dump toppers ass and get with him. He clearly likes you!" I exclaim, shoving Sarah playfully and she shakes her head. "No way. He and I have barely spoken to each other. Plus when have you ever heard of a relationship between a kook and a Pogue working out?"

"Never, I guess." I mumble, attempting to rack my brain of anyone that I've heard of on the island. "Exactly my point. Now shouldn't you be heading home?" She asks and I groan, peeling myself off the couch. "Fine, but I'll see you later okay." I blow her a kiss.

"Yep it's a date." She blows one back and I pretend to catch it before walking out the door and onto the dock. I try to rub the sleep off my face as I walk to my house and climb up the ladder outside of my window. Once my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light. The next time my eyes open it's one in the afternoon and there is the sound banging coming from outside my door.

"Open this damn door young lady! You better open this door or I'm breaking it down." My dad yells from the other side and I immediately jump up and start changing. I switch the jean shorts I'm wearing out for a nice pair of black ones and a striped top. The pounding doesn't stop as I pull my shoes on and start stuffing extra clothes in there. Once I'm done I grab my backpack, heading for the window.

"I know you're in there. It's just a matter of time before you come out and I give you a piece of my mind?" His voice booms as I climb down and once my feet hit the ground I hear my door burst open.

My bike isn't far and luckily the keys are still in it and I mount onto it quickly. "You can't run from me forever! I can promise you that!" I hear him yell from my window as I pull my helmet on and start the vehicle. "You're going to have to catch me first!" I yell back, flipping him off before speeding down the road.

Idk about you guys but I really
enjoyed writing this chapter
and reading it. I think it really
came together well and
shows a little more of what
Sarah and Del's friendship
looks like. Well I hope you
enjoy this chapter and
stay tuned for another one.

The other side | OBXOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora