15 - the dropoff

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"JJ what are you doing here?" I blink a few times, trying to see if he's actually right in front of me. His eyes widen as he scans me from white converse on my feet to the worn out flannel lain across my shoulders from the party yesterday.

"Pope asked me if I wanted to make some extra money delivering groceries and of course I said yes. I would ask why you're here but I already know the answer." He gives me a look and I smile shyly, shoving him playfully. He opens his mouth to say something else but his attention shifts to the space behind me.

"Miss Cameron your groceries from Mr. Heyward." He plasters a fake smile onto his face, handing the bags to her and she grabs them, more than enthusiastically. "Nice to see you JJ. And please call me Rose, we are way past formalities." I try to suppress the disgust that flashes over my face when she says that.

"Goodbye Mrs. Cameron, tell Sarah I'll be back later," I send a smile her way before closing the door and drag JJ off the steps. "What was that about?"

He chuckles light before raising an eyebrow, "Someone jealous now?" I crinkle up my nose, shoving him lightly and fallen backwards, almost dropping the remaining bag in his hand.

"Hey, I have precious cargo here! Heyward would gut me alive if didn't deliver these groceries in one piece." He pulls the bag away from me, narrowing his eyes.

"Can you at least walk me home before you leave? I've barely been able to see you the last few days," a
small pout appears on my face and he sighs before nodding. Between me being sick, the kook party, and Sarah I haven't had anytime to see him.

"Are you feeling better today? You looked a little on the dead side when I last saw you?" he sneaks a peek at me as we make our way to my house, which is only a few blocks from Sarah's. "Yeah I'm feeling better today. I must have been dehydrated since I slept it off. Did you guys make any progress on the merchant?"

"Actually yes. We figured out where it is and may have 'borrowed' an underwater drone to look at it. Unfortunately, we have to wait for a calm day which is definitely not today." He states, more suspiciously than I would have liked him to. "As in stole, not borrowed. C'mon I know you Maybank, you never do anything legally." I give him a knowing look and he doesn't argue, confirming what I already knew.

"I never said we did it legally. And to be fair we're going to bring it back, just after we use it." He shrugs and I fight the urge to slap him on the forehead. "JJ you guys can't afford to get into trouble. John B is already walking the line on foster care. One wrong move and he could be sent away."

Worry crosses his face but disappears as fast as it came, "We won't let that happen. I'm not losing my best friend over this. We're being careful so please, Del, don't worry about it." His hands fall onto my shoulders, pulling our stride to a halt. He leans down as if he's going to kiss but before he does stops.

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