Chapter 20

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You followed up with rather harmless questions, like talking about your favorite food and movies and teasing Jungkook about his undying love for Iron Man. You didn't realize how late it got.

You also found out he had an older brother. Either Hoseok didn't tell you anything about it, or it wasn't on the internet.

"What about you, do you have any siblings I don't know anything about?"

"I have a younger brother who goes to college. He's an annoying brat."

He nodded. "What about your parents?"

"There's not much to know about them."

At least not for him. 

You didn't know if he sensed you were lying and just let it go or if he simply didn't care, but luckily, he changed the subject. 

"Does Hoseok have a girlfriend?"

"Why, are you interested?"

He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I was thinking about the articles." Of course he would think about them. "If they see that he has a girlfriend, it might be easier for the public to think you're just friends."

"He doesn't have a girlfriend", you answered. 

"Let's find him someone and go on a double date."

"I'd rather choke."

He didn't respond, but instead, he looked at his watch. 

"It's late, we should go to sleep."

He was right. 

"One last question", you said and looked him in the eyes, hoping not to unsettle him. 

Before you even opened your mouth, he seemed to have known what you wanted to ask, as your question didn't surprise him at all. 

"What are the rumors you keep talking about?"

Your brief search of his name on the internet didn't show anything, and Hoseok hasn't mentioned anything either. You assumed the rumors were rather something kept away from the public, but still prevalent in his business life. 

He sighted and shifted in his seat. 

"It's actually quite childish, to be honest," he started, "but there's people saying I'm too young to be in such a high position."

That was it? 

"And they think I can't take enough responsibility."

"So that's why you chose to marry instead of just... I don't know, taking responsibility for a bigger project?"

"First of all, taking responsibility for bigger projects isn't fun,"

But a fake marriage is?

"and second of all, it shows that I don't just care about business, but also about the wellbeing of people. Plus, it kind of gives me an excuse to take time off work."

That was oddly... irresponsible, despite his attempts. 

You didn't reply, knowing that he probably couldn't care less about your opinion on this. Instead, you stood up and said that you were going to the kitchen to get something to drink. 

You were craving something sugary. 

"Can you get me something too?", Jungkook said yawning. 

You poured yourself a cup of orange juice and got him one of the banana milk packages, but when you came back, he was sitting with his eyes closed. 

You put the cup and the package on the small table and were about to sit back down when you noticed that he was actually asleep. 

He looked so innocent and peaceful when he was lying like that. You dimmed the lights enough for you to see your way to the stairs, but then you thought that he might get cold if he just slept there like that. 

There was no blanket on the couch, so you decided to go to his room and get one from there. It was when you opened the door that you noticed you've never been in his room before. You didn't turn the lights on though, instead you tapped in the dark to the bed and grabbed whatever felt like a blanket. 

Then you went back downstairs and wanted to throw it on him and go, but a small voice in the back of your head kept saying it would be unfair after all the things you talked about this evening, so you unfolded it neatly and put it on him. 

Just when you were about to go back upstairs, you heard him shift and you prayed to God he wouldn't hear you. 

"Did I fall asleep?", he asked and shifted again. "Where's the blanket from?"


You didn't turn back but instead went upstairs. 

"Don't pretend you didn't hear me, I know you put a blanket on me."

You hoped he would forget it by the next morning, but deep inside, you knew he wouldn't let you get away with it without teasing you about it. 

Maybe it would've been a better idea to leave him freeze to death. 




Hi there! I hope you're enjoying this fanfic. After this chapter, there will be no updates until February 13th. Please comment if there are grave grammar mistakes within the chapters, as english is not my first language.

See you soon
- T. C.

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