Chapter 52

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None of you said anything. 

Jungkook left his suitcase right at the entrance after closing the door behind him. The silence was so loud, you could almost hear the static from the power strip next to the TV.

"Right...", he said after what felt like an eternity of you both staring into blank space and avoiding eye contact. "That's not exactly how I imagined my honeymoon would look like", he made the attempt at a joke.

He was right.

But at the end of the day, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. You were both adults, after all, right? Responsible adults.

Then why did your throat close up when you wanted to open your mouth and say just that? And why had no one opened a window before you arrived? It was so hot in here you could barely breathe.

"I'll take the couch. We should go get something to eat before we start sightseeing or something, I'm starving."

"Bullshit", you responded.

He raised an eyebrow. "It's almost dinner and we both haven't even had lunch yet."

He knew that was not what you meant.

"That's ridiculous. What are we, twelve? Besides, it wouldn't be the first time I've slept with you."

Jungkook stared at you for several seconds before he burst out with laughter, the tension leaving his body for the first time today, even though it was only for a few moments. It took you a while before you realized that maybe you didn't express yourself correctly.

You rolled your eyes. "Forget it, you really are twelve. You know exactly that's not how I meant it."

He raised his palms defensively. "You're the one who said it. Besides, I don't mind."

"Unless you want to spend the next two weeks on the thing that looks like a casting couch", you demonstratively cocked your head towards the black leather piece of furniture, "then sure, go ahead. But don't just do it because you're all modest all of a sudden."

"Fine, whatever. We'll just deal with it later. But I really am hungry, so... dinner?"

You nodded. Between the lost luggage, the mediocre book and now this situation, you had almost forgotten how hungry you were. 

So you left your room and headed downstairs again. The hallway that led to the rooms was connected to the lounge, which you had to go through to reach the restaurant. 

Which is why how you discovered there was another guest in the hotel that you had already met.

"Oh, the woman from the airport, right?" called the man from his seat in one of the armchairs. He stood up and came over to you before you could make your way over to the restaurant. "Crazy how we meet again!" he expressed and ran a hand over his short hair. He extended the other one towards you. "You never told me your name. I'm Kang Dongjun."

"Y/N, nice to meet you." You shook his hand despite feeling a little uneasy.

"Ah, this must be your husband you mentioned."

"Jungkook", he said and shook Mr. Kang's hand.

"Great to see you two here, at least I know I chose the right place." He smiled. "Those must be my room keys", he said as soon as he noticed the woman that had taken care of your check-in earlier. "See you around!"

Without further conversation, you finally made it to your destination and ordered dinner. The table you had chosen to sit down at had a panoramic view facing the beach and you made it just in time to see the sunset. The sea mirrored the sky, though in a slightly twisted way given the waves that tore through the surface.

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