Chapter 45

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When you woke up the next morning, you half hoped to have forgotten the events of last night. However, everything was crystal clear. 

Jungkook kissed you.

Well, not really, but something between you two happened and you weren't sure what to call it. Still, there were more important things to be taken care of, such as the fact that your maybe-not-so-fake husband may have been drugged and refused to go to the hospital.

After quickly taking a shower and placing a towel on your shoulders so your wet hair wouldn't dampen you clothes, you knocked on his door, not expecting a response and already half-imaging how the firefighters would have to break the door open then carry an unconscious Jungkook outside to resuscitate him.

To your surprise, Jungkook groaned from the other side of the door and after several seconds, opened the door. He was still wearing the shirt from the night before, though he had exchanged his jeans for a black pair of shorts.

"Is something wrong?" he asked when you still hadn't said anything.

"I just wanted to check on you. You know, after what happened last night." He nodded, eyes still a little clouded as if he had just woken up and was trying to piece together what had happened. His hair was messier than ever, framing his face with wavy strands, but somehow it was still a fitting look.

"About that. Let's keep it between us."

That, you had expected him to say.

"Sure, no problem."

You turned around after nodding understandingly and were about to go downstairs to the fridge and check out what you might cook for breakfast when Jungkook spoke again.

"I meant the spiked drink, not the- Whatever, forget it."

You had turned around once again just in time to catch a flushed Jungkook push back the hair from his face full of frustration and then he closed the door, retreating to the safety of his room.

So he did remember.


You opted for a simple omelet and miso soup, craving something hearty and warm. The shower connected to Jungkook's bedroom upstairs was running and just as you were cutting up the tofu in tiny cubes, someone rang the doorbell.

You wiped your hands and went to the intercom. A by now familiar face was waiting downstairs at the door. Yoongi was holding a plastic bag in one of his hands and waved with the other. Clueless, you let him in, wondering if you or Jungkook had forgotten something at Jackson's place that he was now here to return.

"Why are you cooking?" he asked with a disappointed look on his face as soon as he entered the apartment.

"Because I'm hungry?"

"Aren't you tired?"

"I am, but that doesn't mean that I should be tired and starved."

"Well, lucky for you, I brought pork spine soup and Morning Care", he answered and raised the bag in his hand demonstratively, then headed for the kitchen area to unpack. 

"Did you... cook that yourself?"

He looked at you like you just made a bad joke. "Absolutely not. I got home at five am, someone had to make sure that everyone got a cab home and that Jackson wouldn't be evicted after all the noise that went on. I got this from the place across the street." He placed the two small bottles of hangover treatment on the counter and then went on to open the cabinets in search for bowls to transfer the soup in, completely ignoring your confused expression.

"Was that Yoongi I just heard?" Jungkook asked from upstairs, the conversation having apparently caught his attention. He joined you in the kitchen, also wearing a towel on his shoulders. Yoongi's glance between the two of you , more specifically between the similar towels, didn't slip your attention, though Jungkook seemed to not have noticed it. Somehow you had to supress the urge to justify why you two had similar towels. After all, why would you buy new towels if Jungkook already had perfectly good ones? That would just be disrespectful.

"Is that pork soup?" Yoongi nodded. "You are godsent!"

"Don't thank me. Thank Y/N for bringing you home and saving your ass after you almost made a fool of yourself."

You were starting to like Yoongi.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad."

You and your guest looked at each other before he raised an eyebrow in disbelief. 

"You were about to tell everyone that you had, in fact, gone skinny dipping and that your entire relationship is apparently fake. What do you think would have happened after that? And what do you think would have happened to me after all those articles I wrote trying to convince people otherwise? I've got stakes in this, too, you know?"

So he was here to reprimand Jungkook.

You resumed cutting up the tofu, trying to blend in with the background.

"It's not like they were going to believe it, even if I told them the truth", Jungkook defended.

"And so you would've risked it?"

"No, I wouldn't have said anything. I wasn't that drunk nor that stupid."

Yoongi started unscrewing one of the Morning Care bottles. "I think if we left you there for a while longer, you might have told them about that one time in high school when you-"

"Stop it, you're embarrassing!"

He handed him the bottle with a disappointed shake of his head. "Drink up. You look like you've been run over by a truck. What happened to you? I thought you could handle more than that. Even Y/N had more drinks than you and she looks perfectly fine."

Jungkook did as told and downed the bottle. "I mean it, I wasn't drunk. Just really dizzy."

"I think someone spiked his drink last night", you intervened.

Yoongi went on to unscrew the cap off the other bottle, then handed it to you, clearly not believing what you were saying. 

"No, I think someone tried to spike yours", Jungkook said almost mindlessly while picking up where Yoongi had left off with setting the table. When neither Yoongi nor you said anything, he continued. "Remember that one guy on my left? The one who poured the shots up until you left with Yujin, Y/N? I don't know, he was suspicious."

So he knew that the drink was spiked and still drank it? 

As if he read your mind, he said: "I mean, it was just a suspicion. I had no idea if he actually did it."

You didn't reply. It was a rare occasion for Jungkook to make you speechless and this time, it was for positive reasons for a change.

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