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Penny hopped off the bus, and a giant smile was on her face. She has a date with MJ!

Once off the bus, Ned and her parted ways with a happy goodbye. MJ though, stood by her as they both were waiting and looking for their parent/guardian. It was only about two minutes after they got off the bus when Penny spotted the Wayne limo. 

Penny turned to MJ and with a smile on her face, "I'll see you tomorrow."

He smiles down at her, "Yeah. And maybe then we can talk about that date."


She smiles at him again, fixes her bag over her shoulder, and waves as she walks towards the car. Once she reaches it, Alfred opens the door for her. She just smiles brightly at him. Alfred was a little suspicious at this, she usually says hello... but if something was wrong, she wouldn't be smiling. So he brushed it off, the trip must have been very fun. Though he tried to ask her about the trip while she was in the car, but he noticed that she wasn't paying attention at all. The smile never went away, and she seemed to be in a daze. She couldn't help herself, because of the events on the bus she is so very awe struck... still no matter how much she thinks about, she can't believe that she has a date with MJ, the boy she's had a crush on since she was in fourth grade. She's found herself in a happy daze.

By the time Penny and Alfred got back to Wayne manor, Penny hadn't said anything. Once or twice she squealed. Alfred really wants to know what happened, because he is pretty sure that nothing at the Hall of Justice could make Penny smile, not talk, and squeal in the car.

Penny walked into the house in a daze, but as soon as the door shut behind her and Alfred she could not help her self. Repeating the yes over and over again she did a happy dance and laughed. Penny didn't realize that at the time of doing this, Alfred was still behind her, and literally everyone else was heading to watch a movie. They all stopped to look at her and the same thing went through their heads, 'what the heck?!'

Penny, finally entered the real world, and when she saw everyone staring at her, her face turned as red as a rose. 

Embarrassed, Penny stuttered in response, "I... um... well you see... I... I'm just... really happy... I'm just gonna go upstairs."

Quickly, with her face still red, she ran upstairs, and to her room. Once the door closed she let out a short laugh and shook her head.

"I seem to only be able to embarrass myself around these people."


Penny stayed in her room. She'll most likely have to explain herself, lord knows that none of the Wayne boys will let it go until she tells them. So she decided that she's going to wait until dinner so she can at least try to plan what she's going to say, so she doesn't embarrass herself again. 

Since she didn't have any homework, because she's finished, and didn't actually go to school today. Instead she texted with Ned about the date, which he is super excited about as well, and she looked through her camera's photos. She wanted to see if there was anything she could sell to Jonah J. Jameson, to give to the Yearbook (unlikely), or to see if any of them could be given to any of the Wayne's or Young League. 

Of course she was just doing little things to keep herself busy.

By the time it was time for dinner, Penny still had no idea what she was going to say to everyone. She decided that if anyone brings it up then she'll talk, because she doesn't owe anyone in the manor an explanation to why she was and is super happy when she got back. So Penny made her way to the dinning room, trying her hardest to not think of her prior embarrassment. Once she  made it into the dinning room Penny could tell that they all wanted to know, but were trying their hardest to not make it obvious or make her feel uncomfortable. So Penny took a seat at the end of the table, proceeded to pile food onto her plate, and eat it. It wasn't until Alfred asked about how the field trip was, and if she learned anything.

"It was fun, I learned a few things. Some things I already knew, but I had a good time. Especially when Ned met Wonder Woman. He was so excited to see her, he wore his Wonder Woman hat and shirt."

"Well that's very good to hear. May I ask why you seemed so overjoyed by the field trip?" Alfred asks, gaining everyone's attention.

Penny paused, she did agree with herself that if anyone asked she would answer. So quickly she decided what exactly she was going to say. Though for the few moments it took, everyone's conversations stopped, and they all turned to look at her. They didn't bother to hide their interest in what occurred earlier today. As Penny went to answer, a small smile formed on her face. She just couldn't help it.

"Well, I wasn't as you say overjoyed because of the field trip. It is because of what happened on the bus on the way back."

"What happened on the way back?" Dick asks intrigued. 

"Well, um... MJ... he asked me on a date..."

"HE WHAT?!" Jason yelled in surprise. 

"He asked me out on a date, and I said yes."

Jason got up from the table, "I'm gonna commit murder."

Along with Jason getting up to apparently kill Penny's crush and datee, Dick, Tim, and Damien all got up to follow him. At first Penny thought it was because they wanted to stop him from killing someone, and hurting Penny's feelings. That was not the case. They all agreed and wanted to kill MJ with Jason. 

This made Penny furious.

As fast as she could, Penny hopped up from her seat, and ran to the four boys. With a furious look she grabs Jason's arm, and pulls him back. To the boys' surprise Jason was pulled back, and he won't admit it but Penny's grip left a mark. Her anger took over, which is why her grip on Jason left a mark (she slightly lost control of her strength), and why she started yelling at him, and the boys.

"You aren't going to do ANYTHING! You know why? One- It's illegal to murder someone, and if you murder MJ I'm gonna get you arrested. Two- You cannot kill MJ or threaten, or even dislike him just because he asked me out on a date, and I said yes! I get that you care about me, but you can't hate the guy I like, especially if I like him. cause you know, I care about you too, and I wouldn't kill one of your girlfriends!"

The four of them stopped... well everyone stopped. No one had really heard her yell of get angry (except for that one time), so this was kind of surprising.

"Penny, I just don't want you to get hurt..."

"Jason, I've been hurt before. I've been hurt pliantly of times in more than just emotional ways. I'm going to get hurt, and you can't stop that. Besides if you try anything with MJ, it might be you who'll be dead."

Penny smiles at him, though some anger still flows in her. She lets go of Jason and excuses herself. Penny walked to the main hall (where the stairs are), and stopped at one of the walls. She's trying to block out the voices from the dinning room. They're talking about her, what she did, how surprising her anger is, and what she meant about being hurt before. Still a little angry from the boys wanting to kill MJ, and the fact that them talking about her and wanting to know every little things about her, which they don't have the right to know, caused Penny to lash out slightly. Her arm, not totally controlling her strength, slammed into the wall she decided to stop at. Thankfully her strength didn't cause her arm to go through the wall, but it did cause some complications. It just so happens that inside the wall Penny hit had the cables connecting to the chandelier hanging in the main hall above her. 

Startled by the giant light fixture falling and hitting the ground two feet away from her, caused her to scream bloody murder.

So much for that spider sense.

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