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When the weekend was over, Penny was ready to go to school. Of course part of her really didn't considering she still has a sizeable bruise on her face, and the fact that she has a tone of missed calls from Ned. But the other part of her really wants to go because she needs to hand in her permission slip for their field trip to the Hall of Justice, which Bruce signed. 

So when she woke up on Monday, it was to her alarm, which Alfred had graciously set for her since she had fallen asleep doing her homework. 

Groggily Penny got out of bed. She wiped the sleep from her eyes as she walked into her bathroom. Flicking on the light, she looked into the mirror and literally winced. Her hair is tangled and messy, her bruise is still bad (even though she has super healing), and she has bags under her eyes. She looked away from her mirror, and rubbed her face once more before going into her draws and pulling out the things she needs to get ready. Those things include, a hair brush, concealer, and deodorant. She doesn't want to look or smell bad.

As fast as she was able to Penny brushed through her rat's nest of hair, put it into a small ponytail, made herself smell nice, and put concealer under her eyes. Honestly she could put it over her bruise too, but it would be too obvious, and she doesn't what more attention for trying to hide the fact that she's got a monster bruise on her face. When she was finished she quickly brushed her teeth before leaving the bathroom to get changed. She quickly put on a pair of jeans, a star wars shirt, and a baggy sweater. She gathered her homework, school supplies, phone, and slipped on her shoes before leaving her room. Once she was out of her room she made her way through the many hallways, down the flight of stairs, and into the kitchen, where everyone is, and most of them aren't even dressed yet.

As Penny took a seat next to Jason, Bruce was first to speak to her. "Penny, you're ready early. Did you sleep well?"

Penny smiles, "Yeah, I did. Also I wouldn't exactly consider myself ready early considering that my school starts earlier, and Alfred did say he wanted to bring me to school today. So I..."

She was cut off by four chairs scraping on the floor, and four boys running out of the room, to their rooms to get ready. Apparently they forgot that she starts earlier, and Alfred is not going to be coming back for them when he drops her off at her school. Once you couldn't hear their thundering footsteps, Penny turned to Bruce with a stunned and amused face. She giggled slightly before talking once more.

"Looks like they want a ride, huh."

Bruce smiles, and Alfred chuckles. "It would appear so, Miss Penny."

Quickly Penny finished her breakfast, which she thoroughly enjoyed, and by the time she was at the door she had a banana for each of the boys, considering they didn't get to finish they breakfasts. Soon they came running down the stairs, their uniforms are a bit messy, and Tim's bag is open. They stopped in front of her, none of them seemed to be out of breath, and to Penny that meant that they were late to a lot of things, so she didn't question it. She smiles at each of them and hands them a banana before stepping out the door, following Alfred to the car. She heard a few echoed thank you's, and once they were all on the car, she smiled at the sight of them stuffing bananas into their faces. Well all except for Damien that is, he was actually taking his time. Probably because he didn't want to choke on a banana before school started.

Once they were all buckled and were on their way to Penny's school, she took out her phone and quickly started to text Ned. She didn't want to worry him even more than he had this weekend when she wasn't going to show up on the subway. 

-Hey Ned, I'm getting a ride from the new family I'm staying with so I won't be on the subway.-

Just as she put her phone on the seat next to her, her phone buzzed. it looks like Ned had been watching his phone like a hawk. Which he had been, but he would never admit that to Penny's face. he had been worried after all.

-That's GREAT! Is it the Wayne's?!?!?! Are you still staying with them???? OMG!!! You have to tell me everything when I see you at SCHOOLLLLL!!!!!-

Penny smiles and shakes her head before responding. Ned really is a character.

-Ok, will do! See you at school.-

Before Penny could do anything more than just turn off her phone and place it on her leg, Damien was first to talk, though it looked like all four of them wanted to say something to her. They all had that look on their faces.

"Who were you texting?"

"Was it your crush?? That MJ DUDE???" Dick says loudly.

All the boys gave him a look, but then turned expectantly towards Penny. Wow they are really invested in her love life, even though they have never met him, or even known about him for longer than like two days. Penny's face scrunched up, and a crinkled smile appeared on her face. They thought her texting Ned was her texting her crush? She probably would have made a bigger deal out of it if that was true.

"No," she said shaking her head. "I was just texting my best friend Ned that I wasn't going to be on the subway today."

The boys all share a look, but it is Jason who speaks first.

"You're best friends with a boy?"

Penny's face immediately lost all amusement. One of her eye brows shot up and a glare was sent to all of the boys. Who were they to question who her friends are? Also, why would it matter if he's a boy?

"Is that a problem?"

Jason's mouth opened and shut a few times, he didn't know what to say to that, but it was Damien who was able to gather his whit's about the subject. Though it wasn't a very good gathering.

"Your best friend shouldn't be a boy."

"Yeah, you can't be best friends with a boy," Tom says, finally entering the questionable conversation.

 Penny's mouth opened in shock. These may be the boys that her foster father has, and she may have began to get closer, and even consider them friends of hers, but this... this was something she never expected. Her friends shouldn't be any concern of theirs, and they most definitely cannot tell her who she can and can't be friends with. What she said next, well that shocked all four of them. Apparently they didn't think that telling her that her best friend shouldn't be a boy was a wrong thing to do.

"Are you shitting me?! You have no right to tell me who I can and can't be friends with!! Who cares if my best friend is a boy?! He's been one of the only people in my life that has ever been nice to me, and genuinely cares about me, and I care about him too!!! Gender doesn't matter in a god damn friendship!!! Besides do any of you have a girl best friend? Why is it any different for me!"

She is fuming. 

Then suddenly the car stops.

Alfred turns around to face them all, "Miss Penny, we have reached your school."

She takes a deep breath to calm herself, and then her turns to Alfred before getting out of the car. "Thank you Alfred. Also I have Academic Decathlon after school, and I was hoping to take the subway with Ned afterwards."

A smile forms on his lips, "Of course Miss Penny, have a wonderful day at school."

Without saying another word, Penny gets out of the car and slams the door. For the next few moments she doesn't pay attention to the faces of students staring at her for getting out of a limo, or staring at her because she has a bruise on her face. She just focuses her enhanced hearing on the inside of the limo where Alfred is scolding the boys for telling her that she shouldn't be friends with her best friend because he is a boy.

Just as Penny gets through the crowded hallways, and to her locker, where some cheerleaders had been standing next to, someone came up behind her.

"Penny, you have to tell me everything!!!"

She turns to face Ned, who happens to be wearing a red shirt and cowboy hat, but she isn't able to get any words out, for he continues to say something.

"Oh my gosh! What happened to your face!?"

AN: Sorry it's been a while, my schedule's been crazy. I hope you like and enjoy the chapter! The next one should be coming sooner that this one had! Enjoy!

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