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'To all  the girls who think you're ugly because you're not a size 0, you're the beautiful one. It's society who's ugly.' -Marylin Monroe

‘Raul!’ I exclaimed before I fell into his arms. I had missed my friend and I hadn’t known how much until now.

‘Chubby,’ he said, wrapping his arms around me to return the hug. ‘Someone’s missed me, I see.’

‘You just might be the only normal thing in my life right now,’ I said as I stepped away from him and opening the door, motioning him to enter.

He looked a bit more tanned, and his hair had grown a bit longer since I’d seen him.  Still looked good as always. He had on a black and grey shirt with blue jeans and black converse.

‘What do you mean?’ He asked taking his shoes off by the door, looking at me with concern.

Before I could reply, I heard Alex shout from the living room, ‘Gwace, who’s a’the door?’

I shrugged and smiled and walked into the living room, Raul behind me.

‘Look who’s finally back from Brazil, Alex!’ I said pushing Raul in front of me.

Alex shrieked a little as she stood up to hug Raul, ‘You never ev’n tol’ me you were gone, you know!’ She accused once she pulled away.

‘And I’m sorry for that,’ Raul chuckled. ‘To make up for that, I brought you something small.’

He took off a back pack that I hadn’t noticed when he entered and took out a jersey. You could practically see Alex’s eyes shine when she saw it.

‘I made this especially for you,’ Raul continued, sitting on the arm of the couch to be at level with her. He held it up for her to see and she was in awe, as I was, at what was printed at the back. ‘This is my jersey number by the way, and I just thought you’d like it.’

‘Like it? I love it!’ Alex said, grabbing it from his hands and putting it on over her blue sweater. She turned sideways to inspect how she looked in it. It was white with black stripes at the arms and Raul’s number nine printed in black at the middle at the back, and on top of the number was the name Alex printed boldly. The jersey fell up to under her bum and was a little baggy but still a perfect fit.

‘It’s per’fect, Raul. Thank you...’ Alex said hugging Raul tightly. ‘Why on earth a’en’t you my boyfwend?’ She joked once she pulled back. We both laughed as Alex smiled widely.

‘Don’t mention it, Alex. I did it for my own selfish reason,’ he said, smiling back.

‘Oh? And wha’ is tha’ reason?’ Alex tilted her head back.

‘To see you smile like that,’ he shrugged and I felt my heart warm up. Alex actually blushed and was left speechless for about six seconds before answering.

‘Cas’dy is one damn lucky girl,’ she said, walking to where she’d left the tub of ice cream. ‘Damn lucky. Tell her  tha’.’

‘I will,’ Raul said with a bright smile.

Alex nodded before yawning, ‘I think I’ll take a nap, Gwacie. Raul, pwease talk to my lil si’ter. She has som’thing troublin’ her and she won’ tell me.’

I was a bit shocked that she could actually tell. But how couldn’t she? I’ve been a little withdrawn and a little gloomy.

Raul gave me a curious look as he nodded, ‘I will, Alex. It was nice seeing you again.’

Alex gave him a quick hug before heading towards the steps. I took the tub of ice cream to the freezer to buy time but Raul followed me to the kitchen.

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