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Thunder thighs. That’s what I was currently thinking as I looked at my jean clad thighs. You know how your thighs tend to look 1000 times bigger when you sit down? Yea, that’s what I was looking at right now...Thunder thighs.

I remembered a meme I saw about thunder thighs, something about how my phone almost fell inside the loo but by the power of my thunder thighs, I managed to save it.

I guess thunder thighs aren’t such a bad thing, right? I mean, if we had a cat or something, it probably would be very comfortable on my laps. But a cat was out of the picture. Dad was allergic to those things. And I mean very allergic. I shuddered at the memory of 5 year old me bringing a stray cat into the house and hiding it in her room. Yeah, not my smartest decisions. Dad was sneezing all over the place, his eyes puffy and his skin itchy...Let’s just say I learnt my lesson and that would be not to ever bring a cat within a mile of where my dad was.

Dogs. I’d never really thought of dogs...which is strange. A dog, or rather, a puppy wouldn’t be too bad, you know. There’s no one who’s allergic, they are faithful (as far as I know), and they are really cute... I smiled in excitement. I bet Alex would love if we had one!

I want a dog! I thought, sliding a little in my sit with a smile.

‘Why do you want a dog?’ Chris asked beside me. I jumped, and turned to look at him. Did I really say that out loud?

‘Um,’ I started, not quite sure if I should answer him or not. We weren’t really on speaking terms and we had yet to discuss the elephant in the room, or in this case, the car.

Chris was looking at the road ahead but I could tell he was watching me from the apple of his eye. God, I thought wistfully, I like him so much...but I knew I shouldn’t. I knew I should do my best to wean myself off of him.

He turned to look at me for a split second, ‘Cecelia?’

I snapped out of my thoughts and cleared my throat, ‘I just want one. Because...I don’t know really. I just thought about it.’

He smiled a little, ‘I have an uncle who has so many dogs... I could talk to him for you if you want.’

I nodded, ‘I’d be grateful.’ I didn’t know what else I could say really. I looked at his hands on the wheel, noticing the slight bruise on his right hand. I sighed and went back to look out of my window.

We’d been on the road two hours now and this was the first thing we’d said to each other after he made the comment about Ash. Honestly, I didn’t understand why he’d even say that! He knew I liked him and not Ash but he acted as if it was the other way around.

We’d gotten separated from my parents a little while ago but they’d called and said we could just meet up at the hotel. I just wish my parents had at least told me that Chris was coming.

Then what? I questioned myself. It’s not as if they’d just cancel on Chris on the eve of the trip.

‘I’m going to have to fill up on gas,’ Chris spoke up suddenly as we approached a gas station. ‘You could go grab us a few things, yea?’

I nodded as he came to a halt. ‘What do you need?’ I asked unbuckling by seatbelt.

‘A soda,, get like a six pack of any soda you prefer as long as it’s not any diet stuff and,’ he said, taking a few bills from his pocket, ignoring the look I gave him after he said “diet stuff”, ‘anything else you think we’d need. Here’s for the gas and...’ he said placing the bills in my hand and taking out his wallet to give me more.

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