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and she always had a way with her brokeness. she would take her pieces and make them beautiful.

r.m. drake

This was new to me. I can’t believe I skipped classes. I have never skipped one without a valid reason and yet here I was missing a whole afternoon session.

But it was better than being in school right now. I don’t understand how things could have come to this. I was living an okay life three months ago, my only worry was Alex and where I’d go to university next. it was just chaos. Why did I have to meet Chris and Ash? Why couldn’t they have just let me be?

I groaned into my hands before I looked back up hoping no one was paying attention to me. I was sitting on a bench in the park near where I lived because I couldn’t dare go home. My mum would ask questions especially now that she had decided to be keen on me. That was another thing...My mum. Sure, I was glad she was finally paying attention to me but ...Would it work? I wasn’t sure.

 The control I had over my own life was slowly slipping and I didn’t know what to do to get it back. Stupid emotions, stupid boys, stupid everything!

Maybe I shouldn’t have run off like that when Chris had walked in. Yea, you heard me. I chickened out and run out off the room, leaving the two boys glowering at each other. Another thing I didn’t understand was why Chris looked hurt and angry. He couldn’t possibly like me...Could he? I mean, he already had a girlfriend. A prettier one and one who didn’t weigh a ton in fact. So why did he react like that?

And did I really like Ash? Maybe I’m just confused about the whole boy thing. I had the least bit experience when it came to this emotional-boy-related-issues and it’s no wonder I was so tangled up!

I just hope they didn’t get into a fight or anything, I thought, checking my watch. It was 4 already, time to leave. I had been here for almost two hours just trying to forget the drama that was my life now, listening to my Beethoven, Chopin and Bach playlist (Yes, I also love classical music) until my iPod died 30 minutes ago.

I got up from the bench and walked towards my car, pausing when I remembered the little surprise I had gotten after I had ran off to my car. On the windshield were words, although not very visible now, in pink lipstick that simply warned, ‘Leave Chris and Ash alone, Slutty Chubby.’

I shouldn’t have been surprised because this was bound to happen. I mean, it was only time since they wanted their boys back. Sheila already insinuated that I was a it was only a matter of time. Still, I was shocked when I saw it and when I looked around I saw a group cheerleaders and some other popular girls nearby laughing looking my way. Well, at least now I know who did it.

I had tried wiping it off with tissues but it only succeeded in smudging the lipstick against my windshield. What kind of lipstick did these girls use anyway? I had thought, disgustedly, before driving off.

Now I drove home, deciding I’d wash it first before entering the house before Mum or anyone else saw it.

As I parked my car by the drive, however, I noticed a sleek grey Mercedes parked in front of me. I knew that car. It belonged to Jonah’s parents. As if on cue, Jonah walked out of the house to come greet me.

‘Chubby,’ he started before he saw my windshield. ‘So I’m guessing you want to wash that off before anyone notices?’ He said after decoding what it said.

I sighed before getting out of my car, ‘Help me, will you?’I said getting the hose and grabbing a bucket and some soap from the garage.

Without a word, we washed out the lipstick on the windshield until there was no more.

STORY OF THE CHUBBYOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora