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‘I’m te’wing you…You look exact’y like Bwaine And’son from gwee!’ Alex said, looking up at Chris. Chris let out a laugh, ‘Oh really? Is that a good thing?’ Alex grinned widely and nodded.

We were currently walking back home, I was wheeling Alex while Chris walked alongside us, him and Alex talking and laughing. When I told him about Alex being my sister, he’d stood there looking between me and Alex for about a half a minute before I announced that we had to leave. That’s when he’d snapped out of it and offered to escort us since he was also dropping by Mrs Watson’s place. He still looked a bit shocked now, I thought as I studied him, but he was also talking with Alex with such ease that I couldn’t help but admire him for that.

Most people would shy away from Alex and openly pity her, something that Alex hated. Even our own relatives who’d occasionally stop by would be uncomfortable around Alex and wouldn’t know how to act around her sometimes. But there wasn’t a special way to treat Alex; I’d always though angrily, just treat her like a normal person because that was what she was. Normal. Except my grandparents, the rest never really got that.

 That was partially the reason my parents and me were hesitant for Alex to be in public places or meet new people. It always broke our hearts but especially Alex’s because people would always treat her different or call her certain names when they thought we couldn’t hear.

Two years ago I remember we were at the mall and some teenagers were pointing at Alex, laughing as we were looking through some clothes at the store (She was doing much better then and could walk around a lot then). Alex had ignored them at first, like she always did. But then they came up to her and looked down at her -since Alex is shorter-and one of them said, ‘What are you doing here, retard? You shouldn’t be here.’

‘Shouldn’t you be in a hospital or something? There’s nothing you can find here that will change who you are, little girl, so stop wasting your time! And take this fat girl with you while you’re at it.’

They laughed and walked away, all the while I was clenching my fists, trying to control myself. I wasn’t bothered that they insulted me. But they insulted my sister and went as far as calling her the R word. Before I could even react, though, Alex had ran off out of the mall, crying. She was depressed for a week, not saying more than a word to any of us. She only got around when I bought her a new One Direction poster (Yes, she’s a very strong directioner) but even then I knew she was chary of going out to the mall or any other public place.

Looking at Chris right now, I was really impressed by him and in that moment my faith in humanity grew just a little bit. I guess there were good people left in this world, I thought, even though they were disguised as jerks.

‘Def’ntly!’ Alex replied, ‘He’s really cute an’ I wuff his voith…An’ he isn’t gay in real life.’

Chris smiled downed at Alex, before stealing some of her M&M’s for the fourth time.

‘OMG Chwis if you steal them ag’en…’ Alex said trying her best to give Chris a glare, but I could see that she was secretly glad that Chris was treating her normal. And maybe because she’d also made a friend closer to her age apart from me.

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