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There have been days in my life that I couldn't give a single care to any negativity that came my way. Someone would give me a disgusted look or call me a name behind my back and they'd just bounce off me.

Then there were days I'd hear he word 'fat' and my day just gets ruined. Like today.

It's not like I had the perfect day, really. I was up til 1:30 am finishing up with my homework so I got little sleep than I was used to.

When I got to school, Chris hadn't been waiting for me as he had been since Tuesday because he was also running late. I didn't even eat lunch because it tasted awful. By the time classes ended, I was in a bad mood, running low on sleep and I was really hungry.

Chris decided he'd at least try and help with the hunger part and since he was also starving, he took us to a small diner that was a little further than school but swore it had the best burgers and chips.

I was selecting a booth at a corner while he went up to the counter to order when I heard some girl around my age say, ' fat I wonder why he's with her.' She was sitting with two other girls drinking milkshakes. Maybe they weren't talking about me, you know, maybe they are talking about another girl. But they were looking at me trying to be discreet and failing.

'If you want to tell me something, say it to my face,' I said when I walked up to their booth.

The girl looked a little scared and refused to meet my gaze. I narrowed my eyes at all of them and walked to a booth far from them. I was probably at my worst mood ever today. Most of the time, I'd be sad and hurt but today I was just angry.

It didn't help that my periods were almost here.

'The food will be ready in about 10-15 minutes,' said Chris as he slid in the booth across from me. 'Meanwhile, I'd like you to tell me what's wrong.'

'It's just been a bad day. I told you...I got very little sleep, lunch was stupid and the classes were boring.'

'No, I know that part,' Chris said leaning on the table with his elbows, his head resting on his hands. 'This whole've been acting a little off.' I look at him to see concern etched in his eyes. 'You know you can tell me anything, right?'

I nodded, looking at my fingers. That was another thing. Whatever Sheila had told me on Monday had stuck to me and I'd been thinking about it ever since.

'Why do you like me, Chris?' I asked him. He seemed caught a little unawares before grinning.

'I didn't expect that.' He looked outside of the window, dragging his hands from the table. 'Well,' he started, looking at me. 'You're smart. Really smart. You have a great're kind. Selfless...' His eyes narrow just a little bit in thought, they get a little intense but he keeps them on me. 'Beautiful. Both inside and out...' I feel like I'm in a spell, his words holding me in place. 'Your smile...' He brings his hand up to brush back some of my hair from my face. 'Your eyes...just being you, Cecilia. You're different but it's a good thing too.'

I bet he could here my heart from where he sat. Was he talking about me? Me?

His gaze roams around my face, as if he was committing everything about it to memory, his fingers roaming over my cheek lightly. Then his gaze lingered on my lips and I forgot how to breathe. I forgot where I was really. Then he looked into my eyes, a smile on his face.

'Soon,' was all he said before a waiter placed the food on our table, breaking the spell. But my heart was still rapidly beating in my chest, my hands sweaty as I tried to control my breathing.

Soon? Did he mean he'd kiss me soon? How soon was soon?

'Eat up,' he said, pushing some food towards me. His eyes were teasing, as if he knew fully well the effect he had on me. I gave him a weak smile and took a bite off my burger.

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