Chapter 52: A night on the Town

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Sorry for not updating!!

"Come on Kula, dear, we don't have all day!" Midnight said, already walking towards the door.

"I'm coming, geez." Kula called out as she stepped out of her room, a duffle bag draped over her shoulder.

Since Aizawa had to accompany his class on the Summer Training Camp, she had to stay with Midnight, or Nemuri. She would of gone to the camp but Aizawa didn't want to be barraged with questions from his students, so here she was, moving some of her stuff— and Nugget— to stay at Nemuri's apartment for the next week.

At the moment, Kula was walking into Nemuri's house, slipping off her shoes and putting onto some slippers that Midnight had given her.

Nemuri's house was a plainer than she had expected. It had a nice feminine touch to it as well as a comfortable feel. Kula followed Nemuri through some of the hallways before stopping in front of a door.

"This is the guest room, you'll be sleeping in here for the week." Nemuri said, opening the door to reveal a minimally but nicely decorated room. "The bathroom is right across the way here and the kitchen and living room are just down the hall to the left. Holler if you need anything!"

Kula bowed her head, "I appreciate you letting me stay here for the week."

Nemuri smiled, "Not a problem." She said before turning around and walking down to where Kula assumed was the living room.

Kula let out a small breath before stepping into the room and placing her dufflebag onto the bed and unzipping it. Most of the contents were clothes, basic necessities such as a toothbrush, comb, a few devices she had made to fight people, and lastly, her mask.

She didn't know whey he had brought the mask, she hadn't worked as Gear Head for a while, not since she was released from her parent's grasp. Maybe it was because she didn't want to sneak out on Aizawa's watch, or maybe it was because she hadn't felt the need to get out, actually, no, it was most likely because Aizawa's sleep schedule was so messed up he had absolutely no clue when it was safe for her to get out.

Maybe she'd get out again soon.

She finished unpacking her clothes and let herself fall down onto her bed. She placed her arm on her forehead and stared up to the ceiling, letting her thoughts run though her head. Only two weeks had passed since the I-Island trip but Kula still got a bubbly feeling when thinking about it. She unconsciously reached her hand to where Mika had kissed her, her fingers lightly brushing over the spot. The two of them hadn't seen much of each other since then, sing Mika had joined her parents on a small business trip overseas a few days after they had gotten back from I-island.

She let out a small sigh and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She had a week here, and she didn't want to spend it laying on the bed and wasting away.


Kula had missed the feelings of being out at night. It was surprisingly easy to get out of Midnight's house once the dun set. She had gotten to bed early due to her having an early workday the next morning, therefore allowing Kula enough time to sneak out and be able to get around herself.

Walking along some back alleways, Kula kept her ears peeled for any signs of distress. So far, the night was rather peaceful.

Golden Touch (BnHA)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora