Chapter 38: Stained Costumes

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Kula was so focused in on herself, she didn't notice a hand reaching towards her until something cold was poking at her neck. There was a blood curdling snicker and Kula looked to see three familiar faces staring at her with horror filled expressions.

Kula looked up to see a man with a mask grinning widely as he stared at the three. "It looks like I've found myself some leverage."

There was a snicker again as the three teens didn't make a move and Kula realized exactly what was happening. The man holding her hostage was none other than the Hero Killer Stain. And, somehow through her panic filled brain, she figured that Iida was the one to encounter him going by his injuries.

"Attack me again and you risk this girl's life." Stain threatened as he pressed the blade further into the side of Kula's neck, getting close to breaking skin.

"Let her go! She has nothing to do with this!" Iida shouted from where he was laying on the ground

"Right, your fight is with us!" Midoriya agreed, not too far away from Iida.

"Release her. You have no qualms with innocent civilians." Todoroki said, his left side ablaze with fire.

"Innocent? I've seen this girl before, with the things she's done she's nowhere near— gah!" He cut off and out of reflex flung the arm that was holding Kula.

While he was talking, Kula instinctively bit down on the villains arm, and was flung away, hitting the wall with her back. Aside from the pain in her back, there was a stinging pain on her shoulder, and out of the corner of her eye she saw they she had been cut.

"You okay?" Midoriya asked.

She tried to stand up, only to realize that she couldn't move a muscle. It must be that guy's quirk. She looked towards Midoriya and tried to give him a reassuring smile, "I've been through worse. I'll survive this."

Midoriya nodded and jumped towards the distracted Stain, green lightning hopping around his body. Todoroki soon joined in with his fire, lightning up the dark alleyway. She glanced towards Iida, who was looking towards the two with a pained expression on his face and tears welling up in his eyes.

"You have to run." He uttered out. "I can't... watch this."

"You want to make your brother proud!" Todoroki shouted as ice rose from the ground and Midoriya slumped against the wall, looking to be paralyzed. "Then stand up and be Ingenium! Become the hero he wanted you to be!"

Kula looked from Iida to Todoroki, then back to Iida, and spoke the words that, deep in her heart, she wished someone would say to her. "It might not feel like it, but you can and will get through the pains of the past. All the suffering and tragedy you're going through are what's making you the strong person I know you'll become in the future!" She watched as his body started to tremble, but pulled her gaze away from him as Midoriya shouted out Todoroki's name, her eyes widening as she saw that Stain was just about to cut off his shoulder.

"Recipro... Burst!" Iida shouted and in a blurb of blue and white Kula watched as she sped towards the villain and body slammed into him, causing Stain to slide back.

"Todoroki, Midoriya, and Kula, you too, this has nothing to do with you. I apologize. I'm okay, but I won't let the three of you shed anymore blood for me."

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