Chapter 8: Crawling in my Crawl

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The day had soon arrived when Kula was teleported from her apartment building to the outskirts of U.A.'s defense walls where the media was already swarming the front gate.

"Look at them, all wanting the Symbol Of Peace." Shigaraki said, scratching his neck. "Circling the school like vultures unaware that they're giving us the perfect chance to sneak in and get precious information." He turned to Kula, handing her a shopping bag that seemed to be full of clothing.

"What is this for?" Kula asked, looking at the contents of the bag.

"Even if you won't be with the the crowd of those students, you can't expect to blend in with them wearing that if you're caught, can you?" Shigaraki asked, referring to the hoodie and jeans she was wearing. "That's the girl's uniform."

"I'm not even going to ask how you managed to get this, because I have a feeling that I don't want to know." She said, "And you don't expect me to change in the bushes, do you?"

"Kurogiri will shield you, don't worry." He said dismissively, turning back to watch the swarm of journalists and news show hosts.

"Fucking asshole." Kula muttered under her breath before moving behind a wall of black mist.


Soon, the bell rung and Shigaraki started moving, not having to say anything for Kula to start following him.

"The alarms will start ringing once the wall decays. You know what you need to do, right? I don't need any mistakes."

"Yeah, yeah. I know what I'm doing." She said, adjusting the purple wig that she was given.

"Good." With that, he placed his hand on the wall, the cement starting to decay under his hand once he placed down his middle finger, the alarms sounding not too soon after the wall started decaying. "This is it. Don't let me down. You know what happens if you do." Shigaraki

Kula didn't respond, only moving to step through the hole in the wall and sprint across the grass of the U.A. Campus. She had spent the time memorizing the map Shigaraki had given her— which ended up being a map of the vent systems the school had since they didn't shut down when the school went into lock down— so she knew where she needed to go.

The entrance vent was low to the ground and a bit small, but luckily, Kula's lack of eating had made her thin enough to be able to fit through just barely.

After unscrewing the vent cover, Kula placed the screwdriver between her teeth and started to crawl through the vent system, the tunnel getting wider the further she got in. To get to the place she needed to get to, she had crawled upwards through the vents, sometimes having to climb up due to the vertical design.

Hearing some noise ahead of her, Kula crawled up until she could look out another vent cover, seeing a crowd of students pushing and forcing themselves past others. Staring at the crowd, she recognized two familiar figures— the two kids that she had shared a workroom with were there, pushing and shoving through as well.

So they got in. Kula thought, a tinge of jealousy shooting through her before she shook her head. I can't think of that now. I have to get these files or Shitgaraki is going to turn me to ash. Literally. Moving forwards, she kept crawling until she reached the vent she needed to be at.

Making sure nobody was in the room, Kula turned around in the tight space and kicked the vent shaft open, flinching when she heard it clatter to the ground with a loud crash. Waiting a few seconds to make sure nobody heard it, Kula took a deep breath and crawled out, relieved that the vent shaft was low to the ground.

All the teachers must be trying to calm the students. Now, where are those files? She thought to herself,  walking to the file cabinet that was in the back of the room. She encountered a drawer that was locked, and she could only assume that it was the drawer that she needed to get into. Grabbing the screwdriver that she was holding between her teeth, Kula quickly disassembled the lock and opened the drawer, relived when she spotted a file saying 'All Might: Schedule'. Grabbing it and opening it up, Kula took pictures of each page in the file with a camera Shigaraki had given her just before the mission. After she had gotten a clear picture of all the files, she closed it up and neatly put it back where it originally was and moved to get out of the building.

That was easier than expected. She thought once she managed to reach the vent she had entered through just as the alarms went off. Holding the camera close to her, Kula ran across the grass and stepped through the decayed hole in the wall, immediately falling through the ground and landing in a familiar bar.

"Did you get it?" Shigaraki asked. "Did you get the pictures?"

Kula nodded and held out the camera, watching as Shigaraki took it, making sure to keep his middle finger in the air, and grinned.

"Finally, we know where All Might will be, and what he will be doing. Thank you Kula, you're allowed to go free this time."

Kula didn't even have a chance to say anything before she was warped back to her apartment. Once she was in the familiar run down room, she let out a sigh of relief.

"If the hole in the wall doesn't tick them off, then the lock I left unscrewed will definitely make them aware of someone breaking in." She said to herself. She might of been helping Shigaraki, but if she could warn the school without actually saying anything to them directly, she would do it in a heartbeat. "Let's just hope they can figure it out."

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