Chapter 22

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"Alright-- you gonna be okay?" Vic asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Always am," Cap replied, his eyes looking much older than two seconds ago.

- - -

Solomon was giving the heroes no time to rest as the image swirled, shifting to something else immediately. This one showed Captain Marvel breathing heavily as he floated in the air, his stomach scorched and blackened and the edges of his cape torn and burned.

"Wait a second, is this-" Barry narrowed his eyes at the scene, glancing towards Superman. He was looking at the man with confusion in his eyes as well, his eyebrows knitted together. Hal glanced towards the speedster.

"I think so...wait this was like, two months ago," he said, hand curling into a fist.

"You don't remember any of this, do you Supes..." Flash asked, eyes still on the Kryptonian. Superman shook his head slowly, glancing at the speedster.

"I don't- no, what is this?" he asked, glancing back up at the Captain.

His eyes widened when the demigod was hit by a pair of bright red beams, making him cry out in pain and curl in on himself. 

"This isn't you!" the Captain yelled against the pain, flying out of the way of the blasts.

The man was breathing heavily, staring into the bloodshot eyes of Superman himself. The man's veins were popping out of his templed in anger, his mouth curled into a snarl as he stared at the demigod like he'd killed his whole family.

The Man of Steel looked relatively unharmed, though he did have a dark purple bruise forming on the edge of his jaw, and his eyes were rimmed in red. 

His stance was almost primal in manner, hunched over with his hands clenched tightly as he breathed heavily.

"I really don't wanna hurt you, Superman!" Cap said, narrowly dodging the Kryptonian as he launched himself towards him with a roar, 

"Please, Kal, I can't keep taking these hits like this- try and think clearly!" The raven yelled, only getting a snarl in response.

He was suddenly barrelled into, the Man of Steel tackling him out of the air. Captain Marvel grappled in his grip, slamming his fists against Superman's back as the pair plummeted towards the ground, he surged his magical lightning through his fists and slammed on the man's back one more time, making him cry out in pain and release Marvel.

He rocketed upward, Superman quickly shaking off the effects of the magical electricity and chasing after him. The Captain glanced down, finding Superman right on his heels and gaining distance. 

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