Chapter 8

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Cyborg sighed, watching at Cap lifted a train car with ease. He glanced back at the group of heroes in various states of distress, letting out a soft sigh. He hoped the League wouldn't be too hard on him.

- - -

The group was quiet, the air tense. Batman had taken to pacing in the dark space, adding to the tension tenfold, while Hal and Barry talked quietly. Diana sat sitting on the floor with her eyes closed, pinching the bridge of her nose loosely in thought.

"How did we not know this?" Clark asked, looking around. "It- it all adds up. The childish behavior, the overwhelming optimism-- Batman, we let a kid onto the League."

"You think I don't know that, Superman? I'm trying to figure out just what we're supposed to do with him right now." Batman growled back, pausing in his pacing to stare at the Kryptonian before continuing his walk.

"He's been in danger this entire time and we- we just let it happen," Clark said, running a hand through his hair.

Diana stood. "You couldn't have known, Kal. None of us knew. The Captain kept this secret from all of us." she said slowly.

Victor stayed quiet.

Another memory began to materialize around them-- great. Just what they needed. Victor tensed as the scene formed, glancing at the big three before focusing on what was in front of the group.

This one showed Captain Marvel, surprisingly, pulling himself up and out of a crater in the middle of the street. He put a hand to his head, shaking the dust and disorientation from him before glancing up with a confused and slightly worried look.

"Okay, you hit-- really hard. Who are you?!" he yelled, string up at the sky as a very familiar figure to the League descended. 

"Why- why do you look like me? Er uh- well not me, but why is your costume the same as mine?" he asked, confusion carved into his features.

Cap lacked the usual boisterous attitude, he didn't walk with a skip in his step combined with someone who knew that his feet fall heavier than others-- he moved like a rookie, which considering the last thing they just saw, made sense. 

The group watched him closely.

Cap stood as the figure, Black Adam, sneered at him. "I am the Wizard's true Champion, boy," he said, lightning crackling around his form.

"Wait, you know the Wizard?" Cap paused, his expression becoming thoughtful before he glanced back up at Adam. "Champion...mistake. You're the mistake he was talking about. You're Teth Adam!" 

Captain Marvel suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree, beaming up at him. "My dad told me about you when I was little!" he said excitedly, confusing the Egyptian above him.

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