Chapter 17

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"That...needs tweaking," Barry said, shaking his head at the human lightning bolt.

- - -

The group was quiet as the scene faded. "Does that do anything to show you that Cap's more than just some kid?" Victor asked, glancing between the Big Three. Batman had been carefully neutral up until this point, and he let out a sigh.

"I have no room to talk when it comes to child heroes," he said, glancing around. "But this...this feels different. I don't know how all this magic stuff works. I won't pretend I do. But Billy should at least be given a choice in what he wants to do, he shouldn't have this kind of power forced upon him."

Victor shifted his weight to his other foot. "Trust me, he's more than happy to pick up the mantle of the wizard's Champion. He'd proud-- proud of what he can do and that he can work alongside us."

"Hasn't he proven himself over the, what, two and a half years we've been working together?" Barry asked, crossing his arms.

"He's a kid. He should be going to school and playing in the backyard, not- not fighting criminals and putting his own life at risk," Superman said, his fist clenching tightly.

"Supes, he still does those things. Have you not been watching?" Hal asked, raising an eyebrow. "He's got a family behind him, a stable home life now by the looks of it, and for the most part, acts like a normal kid. He's just got the added bonus of having superpowers."

Before anything else could be said, Captain Marvel appeared in the middle of them, making the group take a collective step back. The man was looking around with a sad look in his eyes before he walked right through Hal. A familiar, blue-tinted cave appeared around them, surrounding the Champion as he walked towards a crumbling stone throne.

The demigod was tense as he brought an arm up to rub at the back of his neck. "Hey...Shazam?" he said, looking at the throne. There was a rumble around him which he ignored, keeping his eyes on the old stone throne.

A sudden pale blue light appeared, swirling with the mist on the floor until the image of an old man, the one that had given Billy his powers, appeared. Cap smiled lightly, kneeling before the, for all intents and purposes, ghost.

"Billy Batson..." Shazam said, his voice echoing around them and carrying the weight of centuries behind it. "Why have you summoned me?"

Captain Marvel stood, letting out a shaky breath and wringing his hands. "I... I had some questions," he said, meeting the spirit's eyes-- or lack thereof, since all that could be seen was glowing white light. "Recently I've been getting...visions of sorts. Or when I got to sleep, I'll have weird dreams."

Shazam motioned for him to continue.

"Well, I'm always Cap in these, but it's like I'm not in control of myself. And I'll always be in weird places, places I know I've never been to," he said, staring at his hands before looking back up at the wizard. "I just don't understand. I- I can feel things in these dreams, and I'll wait up with this phantom pain--" he swallowed thickly.

"Calm yourself, boy. There's nothing to be alarmed with," Shazam told him, and Cap's shoulders eased up slightly. "These are simply the memories of the Champion."

"But I thought-"

"You are not the only Champion to ever exist, Marvel. Black Adam is only one example-- there have been many more."

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