Chapter 2

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"You're just gonna have to go in after him," he said with a smirk, snapping and making everyone in the room disappear.

"Ooh, the big seat," Klarion said, taking a seat at the end of the table and clicking on the large monitor attached to the wall. "I'm curious to see how this plays out, aren't you Teekl?" he asked the familiar in his lap, getting a low meow in return.

- - -

Victor opened his eyes to find himself in what looked like a void- darkness surrounded him from all angles. 

It was almost suffocating, you couldn't tell how far anything was, and the only reason he knew that the space was bigger than it felt was because he saw other members of the League scattered about amongst the darkness.

Everyone seemed to be waking up at once, but there was still no telling where they were or how they were supposed to-

"Papa!" a voice rang out, putting the heroes on edge once more. Cyborg glanced around to find that they were suddenly inside a house, with a small boy, no older than 5, running down some wooden stairs.

 He had a mop of thick black hair and bright cornflower blue eyes, and Victor knew that it was Billy just by looking at him.

The boy ended up tripping on the second to last step, tumbling forward. Victor instinctively reached out to catch him, only to have his hands go right through the boy. 

Thankfully, someone else caught him, as large hands lifted the kid up before he could smash against the wooden floor.

"Billy, what have your mother and I told you about running down the stairs?" a voice much deeper said as Victor craned his neck up to look at the man that spoke. 

He was an exact copy of Captain Marvel, same strong jaw, same thick black hair, the only difference seemed to be his green eyes rather than blue ones, but if you were to put a picture of Marvel and this guy side by side, you'd have one hell of a time telling them apart.

"Is that...Marvel?" Victor heard Hal say, glancing towards the Lantern as he stared at the man. Victor knew this couldn't be him if Billy was the kid he was holding, so that must have been Billy's dad-- he swallowed thickly at the sight of Billy pressing his small forehead against his father's.

"Don'- don' do it unless I magically learn how to not trip half-way down," the boy recited before smiling toothily up at his dad. The man smiled, nodding his head and setting his son down.

"Where's your sister?" he asked as he shed his trenchcoat and hung it up on the coatrack. "And your mother for that matter?"

"Wait, hold on, is Cap married?!" Hal asked, his eyes wide as he stared at the man.

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