Chapter 20

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The light faded, sending out a wave of energy that cleared the skies of the foreboding clouds. Sunlight streamed down on the island of Themyscira, where various Amazonians were now in a daze, but made of flesh and bone once more.

- - -

Billy stared at the fading image, his head sagging as he stared at the floor. "Is it weird that...that I expected this? Even if I hadn't have had this dream before, I don't think i'd be surprised by the champion sacrificing himself..." he said aloud, glancing up and around the void.

"Probably cause I'd do the same..." Billy continued, tapping the toe of his shoe on the floor. 

"I guess that's the last one before me, Shazam?" he asked, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Right..." he muttered, shooting a finger gun up at the air. 


Billy's image suddenly flickered, causing the group to tense. Cap took his place-- on his knees with the ghostly chains still around his wrists. 

He was staring at the void with his back mostly to the group, shaking his head in confusion. 

You- I don't understand, Klar- w-what did you do t-to the League?" he asked, his voice still shaky. "K-Klarion, you ca-can't mess with this kind of st-stuff-"

"Well I am, you cheese. I had to get them out of the way somehow," Klarion's voice echoed through the chamber, making Cap sigh and shake his head again. 

"They'd never let me into their database willingly, and if Constantine and myself are going get you out of this hell hole, We need the information that the Justice Dorks have on their computers."

"Okay, sure, but you still haven't told me where y-you sent them!" Cap replied, his frustration stabilizing his words somewhat.

"Well if I told you, you'd be angry with me, so..." There was a shrug that could almost be felt in the room. "

I didn't tell you."

"Are they in danger?" Cap asked, shutting his eyes and swallowing thickly. "Please tell me you didn't put them in danger." he opened his eyes to stare into the void.

"Oh relax, you goody-goody. I put them in your sub-conscience, Okay? Happy now? They're perfectly safe. I gave them some fake story about them having to save you or something and sent them into your head."

Dread filled the demigod's bright blue eyes. "No. Klarion no!!" He said, hands curling into fists. "Solomon resides in my sub-conscience, Klarion!!" He said, causing confusion to radiate throughout the dark void.

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