Chapter Twenty-One: Evidence

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Grace barely spoke the entire trip home. She couldn't stop thinking about what Ezekiel had said and what was written in Jordan's letter. Oliver was asked her repeatedly about what Ezekiel had wanted to speak to her about but Grace refused to answer him. She just offered really vague answers. When they arrived at the house, Grace quickly said goodbye to everyone and speed walked over to her house. Oliver quickly jogged behind her. 

"Grace, is everything alright? You've barely said five words to me since you got back. Is this about what happened yesterday? I said I was sorry. Why don't we go out to dinner tonight? Just us?" 

"Yes I'm fine. I was just anxious to see Lacey. I don't like not seeing her for to long. I want to spend tonight with Lacey but I'll call you soon." With that Grace walked to her house. She dumped her bag on the ground and turned to leave when she saw a large envelope sitting on her entry table. She immediately knew this was the envelope from Ezekiel. She took the envelope and brought it with her in the car but never opened it. 

Lacey came running to Grace when she heard her voice. Grace crouched down and opened her arms waiting for Lacey to launch herself into them. Grace picked Lacey up and held her with all that she had. She kissed Lacey on the top of her little head before Lacey caught her up to speed with everything else. 

"Mummy, mummy Nanny and I went shopping for Uncle Nate's new baby. Nanny told me I'm going to have a cousin! I picked out little boots for him. Nanny told me that I need to be very gentle when the baby is born. Then Granddad took me fishing this morning." 

Grace grinned at her little girl. 

"Are you excited to have a baby cousin? And nanny is right, we'll have to be very careful when we hold the new little baby." 

"I know mummy. I've been practising with my own baby." Lacey picked up one of her dolls so carefully, you would think it was made from glass and cradled the doll in her arms. 

"You're doing such a good job Lace. You're going to be the best cousin ever!"  Grace looked up and saw Sophie and Nate sitting in the lounge room. 

"Hey Grace. I thought it would be a good idea for Soph to meet mum and dad. How was London?" 

"London was hectic as always. How are you feeling Sophie?"

"Good. The baby is so active, especially around Lacey. When he hears her voice he goes crazy." 

Grace's parents walked into the room and Grace hugged both of them. 

"Thank you so much for having her. I hope she wasn't to much trouble." 

Henry waved his hand. "Any time Grace. She was fine." 

"Well dad we better go. I've got so much furniture to build before this little guy comes along." 

Olivia stepped forward to Sophie. "Sophie it was so lovely to meet you and I'm so happy to have you as part of our family." Olivia hugged Sophie who stiffened for a split second but relaxed into her arms. Henry repeated the action. Lacey and Grace hugged Nate and Sophie as well. 

"Lacey can you get all your things together please?" Lacey took off to the bedroom where all of her stuff was. 

"Sophie's lovely. I just wish Nate told me how far along she was. I wasn't expecting her to be about to give birth but they both seem excited." 

"I'm glad you think so, mum. I really like her." 

Lacey appeared with her back bag. 

"Lacey are you ready to go? We're going to have a special mummy and Lacey night tonight." Lacey cheered at that. 

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