Chapter Sixteen: The Wolf

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"Hurry up Grace."

Jordan rolled his eyes at Grace then waved his hands and ropes appeared around Grace's hands and shoulders. He pulled on the rope and forced her to walk into the forest.  Jordan began walking into the forest in silence.

Grace struggled against the ropes and she could feel them digging into her skin. 

"Good, you brought her." Grace looked up from the forest floor and saw Gloria standing in front of a tree. 

Grace shook with anger and fear when she saw her face. 

"Hello dear." 

Grace rolled her eyes at Gloria, who them slapped her. 

"I will not tolerate this disrespect." Gloria yelled in Grace's face. 

Grace then pulled away from Gloria and kicked her in the shin. 

"You bitch!" Gloria launched at Grace. 

"Mother, control yourself." 

Gloria backed away from Grace. But stared at her with such hate. 

Jordan yanked on Grace's ropes. 

"You behave."

Jordan spoke and the red door appeared. 

Jordan pushed Grace up to the waterfall and Grace was preparing for him to drown her but they walked right through it. 

Grace walked through and saw a terrifying scene. 

There were two bodies laying on slabs of Marble, surrounded by candles. One body was a young woman, she was beautiful with deep brown hair, a small nose and plump lips. She looked so peaceful laying there, someone might even think she was sleeping. 

Next to her was a small boy, he looked to be a little older than Lacey and had the same brown hair as the woman next to him. 

There was a mist that surrounded the two of them.

"Grace, meet my wife, Eleanor and my son Atlas."

Grace turned to Jordan with a look of confusion on her face. 

"Eleanor is my mate and together we had Atlas. They were the most important thing in my life until the Alderidge Family got involved." 

Grace stiffened at the mention of Oliver and his family. Jordan continued. 

"We were happy for many years, we lived in this town, our son was born in this town, but then Grayson and Evelyn came to us. Told us that we needed to leave town. They hated witches and they threatened us. Eleanor wanted to leave so our son could be safe but then we were preparing to leave and Atlas had just started finding his magic, he accidentally set a tree on fire. He didn't understand what he was doing, he was four years old, for goodness sake and then along came the Alderidge family who murdered an innocent boy and my wife died trying to protect him. 

That's who you're trusting. That's who you're trusting with our daughter's safety. Grace you cannot trust that family. They are murderers. Liam killed his own mate for his family. Ask Oliver what happened to his parents. All I want is to keep you safe and allow us to raise Lacey together. Yours and Lacey's fates cannot be the same as Eleanor and Atlas. If you don't believe me, ask Oliver about what happened to your brother. "

Grace looked at Jordan in shock. How could that be true? Jordan was trying to protect her? 

Jordan reached down to Grace and untied her. 

"Grace, I knew if I married you than you would be protected from having being mated to Oliver. I wanted to protect you and Lacey from them. But then mother here reminded me of our mission to bring back Eleanor."

Jordan pulled Grace up and moved her to stand in front of the two slabs. 

"With you here, the Alderidges will come and we can finally end them." 

Grace looked at Jordan in horror as he brought a jagged black that looked to be made from a black glass. He held it up to Grace's throat. Grace closed her eyes and thought of Lacey. But there was nothing. She felt Jordan push her away and she landed hard on the cavern floor. She heard Jordan snarl and yell "NO"  She opened her eyes and saw a chocolate brown wolf attacking Jordan. There was blood dripping from the wolfs mouth and Jordan was bleeding from a bite on his right side. 

Grace scrambled back until her back hit a wall. 

There was a white wolf, with brown fur around it's nose and feet, that was fighting Gloria. Grace didn't know where to look. 

Jordan had another blade in his hand and was swiping at the Brown Wolf. He managed to break through the wolfs defences and swiped his front right leg. The wolf howled in pain. Grace could feel her heart being pulled toward this wolf. 

The White wolf, had pinned Gloria into a corner and looked to be going in for the kill. Then Gloria flung her arms toward the wolf who whimpered in pain. Grace saw blood coming from his side, Gloria looked like she was moving an invisible whip. She repeated the action until the wolf was on the ground barely moving. 

Grace suddenly picked up the blade that was meant for her and ran up the cave. She plunged the knife deep into Gloria's chest and watched her collapse. 

"NO" Jordan scream echoed throughout the cave and with a wave of his arms Grace and the two wolves were flung back into the wall of the cave. 

The brown wolf growled at Jordan and stood in front of Grace. Grace picked up the knife again and held it in front of her defensively. 

Jordan raised his arms and he was suspended in the air. Grace was shoved out of the way by the wolf who went for Jordan. Grace watched as Jordan conjured daggers out of thin air and threw one after another at the wolf. All of which he avoided. Then one came out of no where and sank into Grace's stomach. She felt it cut through her skin. She stumbled back in shock and the wolf howled. Grace met the wolf's eyes and she had never seen such a look of pain. The wolf turned and grabbed Jordan's arm with his strong jaw. 

Jordan let out a scream and a hand flew across the cave. Harry appeared in the door way, and flung his arms toward Jordan. Jordan collapsed in front of Grace. 

Grace was sifting in and out of consciousness, when she saw Oliver approached her. He lifted her up and then she collapsed in his arms.  

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