Chapter Two: Dinner

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Oliver showed a high attention to detail when helping Grace finish putting Lacey's toys and clothes away. He was also just enjoying listening to Lacey and Grace interact with each other. Oliver helped build Grace's bed and her bookcases when they were finished with Lacey's room. 

"Grace, why would you have this book?"

She turned and saw him holding 50 Shades in his hand and flashed bright red. 

"Everyone was reading them, what sort of book store owner doesn't read the most popular books?"

"You own a bookstore?"

"I have two, one in London and we're opening one down on the waterfront in 2 weeks."

Grace smiled when she thought about her stores with cushy window seats, delicious brownies for people to nibble on. Is there anything better? Maybe you could nibble on Oliver? GRACE! You are a mother! Grace blushed as soon as the inappropriate comment came into her head. She needed to change the subject before her mind ran away from her. 

"What do you do for work?"

"I'm a town planner. I work a lot with the council and local people to continue making our town sustainable and more family friendly. Then once the plans have been made Nate is my building guy."

"Wow. That sounds so cool."

"If you want to you can come down tomorrow and have Lacey help me design a playground. It would be great to have a mum's and child's perspective."

A date? Is it a date if he asks you and your child? Don't be stupid Grace. This man is the most beautiful man you've ever seen he definitely wouldn't be asking you on a date. This is just to help him out. 

"Sure, Lacey would love that- "

Oliver's face dropped a little when she said Lacey. 

"I would love it as well."

Lacey walked into the room, and ran into Grace's arms.

"Lacey-lou, Oliver helped build your bed, do you want to have a look at it?"

"Yes!" Lacey squealed and clapped her hands with excitement. She quickly jumped out of her arms and ran into her new bedroom.

Lacey gasped when she saw her new bed and then ran and threw herself at Oliver saying thank you over and over. Oliver had amazing reflexes to catch her so quickly. Lacey quickly climbed onto her bed and began bouncing over the bed. Oliver's phone started ringing so he quickly left the room. Lacey and Grace started unpacking all of her clothes, Lacey was trying to help with the unpacking but was just shoving clothes into the draws. 

"Lace do you want to go to Oliver's house for dinner tonight?"

"To the castle?"

"Yeah babe."

"Yes mummy! Can I wear one of my princess dresses to the prince's house?" 

"Of course babe."

Lacey stopped what she was doing and ran to her closet and looked through all of her different princess dresses to find the perfect one. Oliver walked past the door and went into Grace's bedroom across the landing. Grace left Lacey twirling in front of her mirror with her dresses around her. 

"Is everything alright?"

Oliver looked up and smiled at Grace who almost melted. Those eyes. Those deep green eyes.


Shit! She was staring and when she was caught her face was heating up.

"Sorry. Thank you for the invite tonight. Lacey is very excited to see your house and be in her princess dresses."

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