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I woke up to laughter in my arms and squirming

I immediately opened my eyes- seeing Vanessa trying her hardest to get away from Michael as he tickled her, but yet trying not to wake me.

"Michael" I groaned out- wanting nothing but to sleep.

"Come on, damn sleepy heads- it's almost noon." Michael's voice spoke- the smile evident in his voice.

"Get out" I responded, pulling her closer into me, feeling her arms wrap around me.

"Nah" Michael exhaled, falling across our legs, making me groan again.

"Come on, Ash is cooking lunch" michael spoke after a moment, making Vanessa immediately sit up- her baby hairs flying everywhere as she turned to me with a smile.

"Let's go get food"

We ran downstairs together- seeing Ashton cooking chicken, making salads to go with it.

"Well, good afternoon" Calum grinned as we entered the kitchen, Vanessa immediately hugging Calum.

Soon we were all eating and I brought up the topic that made Vanessa's whole attitude drop

"Vanessa, wanna share with the boys the problem you're having?" I asked, seeing her gaze go straight to her food.

"Not really" she mumbled, sending me a mean glance.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, but it's something we need to talk about." I told her quietly, seeing her slowly nod

"The past three or four nights, I've been having nightmares" she spoke slowly- making everyone focus fully to her.

"Okay- like reoccurring nightmares or different nightmares?" Calum was the first to question it.

"They're always based around my mom and dad, but they're different when it comes to what they do and what we do" she mumbled.

"Want to give us an example?" Ashton asked slowly.

"It's just- them trying to get me from you guys" she cleared her throat lightly.

I could see her knee bouncing, making me grab her hand.

"And sometimes they hurt you guys- sometimes they hurt me, but it's just- scary" she mumbled slowly.

"And you're sure this has only been happening the past few days?" Calum questioned her slowly.

She tilted her head slightly, hesitating.

"It happened like two times before- the two nights that your intern, Mason stayed with me." She told us- and I realized what was triggering them.

Her anxiety.

"So when you wake up from your nightmares, what does your body feel like?" Michael asked her, us all slowly catching on to what was causing this.

"My heart is always fast, a headache, sometimes my chest hurts like when I have anxiety attacks, but it doesn't take long to go away" she spoke slowly.

"Okay, I know what's going on" Calum spoke for us.

"So, when you have anxiety- it's not just a one time anxiety attack and it's over- your anxiety stays sometimes and can cause you to be easily triggered and have anxiety symptoms throughout a week or two" he explained to her slowly.

"So, you being with other people along with the stress of school- has been causing you anxiety, but even though you don't have attacks, it's still effecting you through making you have bad dreams, making you a little paranoid, and so on" he finished slowly.

"So how do we make it stop?" She asked us all

"I think we can all agree when I say that it's time for me to prescribe you a small dose of ant-anxiety medicine." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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