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"Let's start off slow, blood pressure and temperature- we'll move from there" Calum spoke, grabbing the thermometer, making me exhale as he touched it to my forehead, us all waiting quietly for a second before it beeped.

"97.9- pretty good" he spoke, grabbing the blood pressure cup.

"Just a tight squeeze around your arm"

He slipped it over my sweatshirt, telling me that the sweatshirt wasn't thick enough to affect the numbers.

We all went into the quietness again, feeling the cup getting tighter and tighter.

Soon it released, making me look to him.

"A little high, but nothing I'm worried about, it's probably just nerves" he smiled, setting it on his desk before turning back to me.

"Can I hold your wrist to get your pulse."

I hesitated before giving him a small nod, letting him hold my wrist, focusing intently.

After a minute, he let it go, writing it down.

"I'm going to skip listening to your heart, I'm just going to let Luke do that, but I will do your lungs, so I'm going to go under your shirt and just hold your shoulder, okay?" He questioned.

"Just soft touches" I spoke- and it clearly caught him off guard

"What?" He questioned quickly,

"Like-" I cleared my throat, trying not to let my voice crack

"Just don't be firm or rough, you can touch my shoulder and wrists and shit- just try to be soft." I spoke.

I felt like I saw his eyes almost soften

"I'll be as soft as I can be, pretty girl" he mumbled, gently grabbing my shoulder before going under the back of my shirt, the feeling of the stethoscope hitting my back gently,

He made me take deep breaths, moving it around slightly.

He soon pulled away, sending me a smile.


He got my height and weight, seeming pleased before directing me to sit back on the bed.

"So all your vitals are good, do you have any complaints, any pain?" He asked me.

"No" I spoke quietly, Seeing him nod.

"Well, you're due on a blood draw and two shots, so I'm going to get Michael to come in and Luke and him can do their thing while I get the stuff," he grinned before leaving the room.

"You okay?" Luke asked as soon as the door shut.

"Yeah- I'm fine" I spoke, watching him grab his stethoscope, moving to me.

"You're very brave, most teenagers from your situation would've had to have been carried into this building. I'm proud of you" he voiced, and surprisingly, it was something I hadn't been told in so long, that it shocked me.

It felt good

"I'm just going to set it under your shirt, okay?"

I gave Luke a solid nod, letting him barely touch my shoulder before resting his stethoscope under my shirt and onto my chest.

The room went silent, I kept my breathing calm as he focused.

"Yeah, there's definitely still a murmur, but it doesn't concern me" he spoke.

"I think you're just a healthy little baby with a few bumps" he smiled, moving his hands away from me as Michael entered.

"But here's where we're going to have complications." I focused to luke as he said those words.

"For Michael's exam, he's going to have to feel down your spine and your shoulders and neck and stuff, but he can't lightly touch you like Calum and I were, you're going to fully feel him touch you, but it won't hurt"

I didn't want to do it.

And they knew that.

"If at any point you need or just want to stop, just tell me, and I will, okay?" Michael asked.

"I don't want to do this" I spoke quietly.

"I'm going to do it as quick as I can, I promise, just hold Luke's hand if you want and for a few seconds, just believe me when I say that I'm not going to hurt you "

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