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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my door opening.

I was still wrapped in Luke's arms, my head almost completely tucked into his neck.

"What are you doing" She spoke loudly, making Luke jump awake, and I simply turned my head to look at her.

"I told you to sleep on the couch." My mom spoke out.

She was such a bitch- especially considering we weren't even at our house, we were at theirs.

"I offered" I spoke out, groaning lightly.

"I thought you were just terrified of men-" "Mom- you can't make him sleep on the couch in his own damn house" I spoke, moving to turn my face into the pillow, feeling Luke groan lightly, stretching.

"Vanessa- none of this is your fucking business-" "hey, hey- let's not do this, okay?" Luke shot out quickly.

My mom rolled her eyes, scoffing out a laugh.

"Do you want to go to the mall with me, or not?" Mom shot towards him.

"What time?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow.

"Like ten minutes-" "I need time to get ready" He spoke out quickly.

"Well fucking, get ready Luke."

I rolled my eyes as she walked out dramatically.

"I'm sorry she's a bitch" I immediately whispered, seeing him turn, looking to me.

"She's just moody" he breathed out, kissing my head cautiously.

"Want anything from the mall?" He questioned.

"No, but thank you" I spoke out, seeing him smile.

"I guess I'll see you in an hour or so"

"I wish you the best of luck."

Once Luke left- I went on a hunt for one of the guys.

I found Ashton still sleeping- so I went straight to that option.

I went to the side of the bed with more room- carefully crawling under the sheets, which made him shift lightly.

"What's wrong?" His tired voice spoke out- his body turning to me.

"Sorry- I just- don't wanna be alone" I quickly spoke- finding myself stumbling over my words.

"Don't be sorry, come on" He spoke, rubbing the bed, allowing me to move into his body warmth.

As I relaxed into him, he traced small shapes into my back until I felt him relax, soon hearing small snores.

I slowly drifted to sleep with him, not thinking twice.

Two weeks later

To say the least- things hadn't been all sunny and paradise with mom and Luke.

I respected Luke for not kicking my mom out yet- I certainly would've.

I was currently putting my wet hair into braids, sitting on the bathroom counter.

Luke and mom had gotten into an argument only two hours ago downstairs over mom continually bringing up the male situation- which she didn't think was a situation, it was something I just needed to get over.

As I put moisturizer on my face- my mom entered tiredly, exhaling towards me.

"I love you, you know that, right?" She spoke quietly.

I nodded slowly, looking to her through the mirror.

She was acting odd.

"Just always remember that, everything I do- I do it to benefit you."

As soon as I was ready she went with me to my bed, kissing my head gently.

"So damn beautiful."


Kathy joined me in bed around midnight, never saying a word- I didn't speak either, I wasn't in the fucking mood.

The only thing stopping me from ending this all was that beautiful sixteen year old girl- I knew she needed me, and she didn't know it- but I needed her.

I fell asleep, wondering how the hell I was going to have a future with someone I almost hated- but someone I loved so much.

I woke up to my normal alarm- making me groan out.

I quickly turned it off, tucking my face into the pillow.

After a minute- I felt it off that Kathy hadn't touched me or even spoke.

I looked to her side, seeing a piece of paper.

I knew what was happening in the back of my head- but I denied it.

I opened the note, reading it


       I can't do it, I'm sorry. Im not who you thought I was- I can't be who you want me to be. I can't be anyone but myself. I can't accept my daughters fear the way you do, I can't even look at her without feeling my heart twist- she took him away.
   I can't love you the way I loved Rick, and I'm so fucking sorry. I can't do any of this. I'm leaving- I couldn't even tell you face to face. A month ago I went and got permission for you to legally adopt Vanessa, the papers are on the bedside table, please don't leave my baby in a world too big for herself. She's better with you. Love her the way I wasn't able to. I'm so sorry.

I threw the note, jumping to my feet, throwing the dresser drawers open- empty.

I cursed as I ran downstairs- seeing all of her possessions gone- her wallet, purse, keys, car- everything was gone.

Calum entered the kitchen as I yelled out a curse word- hitting a vase off the counter, hearing it shatter.

"Luke- what the fuck man."

"She fucking left." I spoke- feeling a tear slide down my cheek.

"She didn't."

"She fucking did, Calum." I spat out.

"What about Vanessa-"

We both sprinted to her room, seeing the door shut.

I quickly pushed it open- the door hitting the wall with a loud bang, startling her awake.

Thank god.

"Luke?" She spoke tiredly.

"Sorry baby" Calum spoke for me- neither of us trusting my voice.

"Go back to sleep, princess."

We found Ashton and Michael- telling them the situation.

We all called in, making calls to her family, lawyers- anyone who could help us figure out what the fuck was going on.

How do I know that she wouldn't call the cops saying I kidnapped her kid?

My heart wasn't even broken because she left- I was surprisingly relieved.

My heart was broken because of what she did to Vanessa

She left a broken and terrified teenage girl with four guys she's only known for five months

And she left us with telling her daughter that her mother is a selfish bitch who doesn't care about anyone but herself.

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