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Let's just say, it didn't have much more of Calum talking for me to break down crying.

He didn't judge me, he didn't act shocked.

He hugged me, making sure I was physically okay.

"I know it hurts man, and she's doing you both so wrong- it's fucked up. But, we can't revolve around her forever, we've gotta find another source of happiness."


"Sip" Ashton spoke right before I laid down.

I looked to him, watching him not give me an option, putting the water bottle to my mouth, making me slowly sip.

I pulled away once I was satisfied, seeing him sigh.

"I want this whole bottle empty in an hour" he spoke slowly before laying down with me, pulling me to his chest.

"You okay, pretty girl?" He asked as I laid into his chest, trying not to cry again.

"I just want to forget about her" I spoke quietly.

"I want Luke to be happy- to be able to move on." I spoke quietly.

"He will princess, I think we're gonna take him out soon, try and give him a little adult fun" Ashton spoke, making me know they were going to a bar or club, but I was happy- I wanted that.

"You guys need to do it soon" I spoke into his chest.

"He'll be okay princess, I promise you." He kissed my head firmly.

two weeks later.

"You're okay staying with him?" Luke whispered to me.

I glanced to the new man the guys introduced me to recently, Harry.

"Yes, I'm fine Luke" I lied.

"I'm so sorry that we couldn't get a girl- they all don't want-" "no girl wants to be a babysitter on a Friday night" I finished for him, rolling my eyes at the thought of them not letting me stay home alone.

"I'm sorry that we won't let you stay alone, we're still too protective for that." He smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Now you text me if you need anything- and I'm serious when I say anything, even if you just want a hug, I'll come home-" "Luke, go" I laughed, making him smile again.

"I'm just worried" he admitted, pulling me into another hug.

"I'll be fine- you'll be fine, nothing to worry about- just have fun." I smiled, convincing myself the same.

He nodded, exhaling through a smile.

We walked into the living room, seeing all the guys talking to Harry.

"I think we are good" Luke clapped, smiling to the room that smiled back to him.

"Have fun, princess" Ashton exhaled, hugging me tightly.

I hugged each of the guys, getting the same little 'have fun, you'll be fine' spills.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?" Calum asked me.

I nodded firmly.

And within minutes, they were all gone, leaving me and Harry- who was beyond intimidating.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked, moving to where he knew we had all the movies.

"Sure, your pick" I told him, sitting on the couch, waiting.

Halfway through the movie- the lights went out, making him and I both sit up quickly.

"The weather?" I asked slowly, not exactly understanding why the lights went out.

"The weather is fine- it's a little windy, but not windy enough to knock the lights out" he spoke calmly.

"What do you think it is?" I asked, seeing his phone illuminate his face.

"No idea, this has never happened before?" He asked me.

"No" I confirmed immediately, knowing it's happened at my mom and I's old house, but never the guys' house.

"Weird" he hummed.

I noticed he was texting, making me get onto my own phone slowly.

"I don't want to bring you to my house, because I have all male roommates, but it's going to get cold- quick" he spoke, making me instantly know he wanted to go to his house.

I bounced my knee lightly, knowing I shouldn't text Luke, because he'd drop everything to come straight home.

So I manned up- I pushed my fear away and I looked to him.

"We can go if you want"

Within ten minutes, he was letting me grab a bag before leaving.

I sat in his passenger seat, my knee bouncing at ninety miles per hour, myself so nervous I was shaking.

I always had my mom with me when I had to face knew people- knowing I had no one in this situation was freaking me the fuck out.

"It's going to be fine" Harry told me slowly.

"And I know that's hard to believe, especially coming from a stranger, but I promise you- no one is even going to touch you" he spoke with a trusting smile, making me lightly smile back to him.

"Does the guys know that we are going to your house?" I asked him, seeing him nod.

"I didn't call them, but I texted each of them and told them, as soon as they get on their phones, they'll know." He spoke, making me nod.

We pulled up in a neighborhood similar to ours, but a house a little larger than ours.

"Welcome to our home" he smiled.

We went inside, myself walking a good distance behind Harry, trying not to show how nervous I actually was.

"Guys" Harry spoke out loudly, making two on the couch immediately turn their heads.

"Niall, Liam- this is Luke's-" he drug out the sentence, looking to me.

"Daughter" I spoke with a smile, making him smile.

"Luke's daughter, Vanessa- Vanessa this is Niall and Liam, she'll be staying with us until the morning, because the lights went out at her flat" he spoke, making them both nod.

"Nice to meet you" Niall smiled, making me smile back to him politely.

"Come on, I'll show you the guest room"

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