$ F O R T Y • O N E $

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Cheers to a New Beginning
June 10th, 2019
New York, New York
Twenty-First Week Pregnant

Third P.O.V.

12:42 pm.

Ezio worked out, vigorously. He ran on the treadmill, bench-pressed, and struck the punching bag to his full potential. Sweat trickled from his forehead, splashing onto his penthouse's gym floor. He couldn't recognize his angered state in the mirror whenever he had a glimpse. He didn't wish to see himself in a familiar state he regrets to be in.

He blasted his music which probably echoed through the halls of his home. He had no regard for his neighbors overhearing.

Cambria fixed the strap of her purse over her shoulders as the elevator doors separated, revealing Ezio's lonesome entrance. She sighed as the pounding music met her ears.

Ezio rambled his frustration on her the night of the party. She wasn't sure how to react, but she wasn't happy with another girl pregnant with her boyfriend's child. She attempted to keep his anger at ease, but it was no use since the adrenaline was refueled once again. She stepped out to do a small grocery run, not expecting him to fall right back where she pulled him out from.

Usually, she did the shopping and Ezio did the cooking. He was amazing when it came to cooking, but she was aware of the fact he wasn't in the right mind space to be doing anything right now.

Ezio chanted that he refused to be apart of the baby's life. His mind was glued to the word 'No'. Cambria felt terrible, thinking as if the baby was getting the backlash when all its doing was being there. She didn't want any child to live without both of their parents. She missed out on her mother's presence when she was young since she passed away at birth. 

She attempted to change Ezio's mind, but it was useless. She gave up for the moment. She wanted him to let the idea sink in first before making any harsh decision. She was willing to adjust to the lifestyle if it meant the baby to have both of his parents in his life. The innocent fetus deserves nothing less.

As she neared the gym, she observed her muscled boyfriend maintaining his sculpted body. They met through a mutual friend at a private event. Instantly, they clicked that night, enjoying each other's company. If she was going to be true with herself, she agreed to date him for the better of her reputation, but as their relationship grew, the passion did as well. The only thing she regretted was what her initial feelings were before saying yes to Ezio.

"Babe?" Her voice mingled into the air. His ears were already occupied by the intensity of the music that blasted from the speakers. His attention was towards the number of punches his encased fists threw at the punching bag.

The bag kept swinging harshly as he swung, concerning Cambria but slightly turning on by the idea of his dominating arms.

"Babe!" She shouted, catching his attention. She saw the rage in his eyes for a split-second before they softened at her glance.

He turned off the music before making his way over to Cambria who smiled sympathetically. She cupped his cheek as he tried to control his breathing. Their foreheads touched. "Ezio—"

"No." Was all he muttered, pushing away. She managed to grasp onto his hand, pulling him back. "Listen to me." She murmured, looking deep into his eyes. He shook his head before yanking his hand from her grasp.

"You have to tell your parents." She suggested. He sat on the bench press before looking up at her. "And say what? Oh, that pregnant girl is carrying my child." He retorts. He shakes his head before grunting.

"You can't pretend the baby isn't yours, Ezio." She mumbled, stepping up to him. "Oh, but I can, and I will." He spat.

She shakes her head. "Why are you taking your anger out on the baby? Your baby? He isn't at fault. No one is." She says confidently. It was time for him to accept reality and not to run away from it.

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