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Low Life
June 3rd, 2013
New York, New York
The Nightingale-Bamford High School

Vera's P.O.V.

1:09 am.

I clanked my beer bottle with the other teenagers who I didn't know who happened to be at the party. "Cheers, losers!" I shouted before chugging my drink.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" I heard everyone shout around me as I continued to chug my drink.

Once I finished, I threw it on the floor where it shattered and everyone cheered. "Turn up the damn music!" I shouted towards the DJ before he nodded and raised up the volume to Started From The Bottom by Drake.

I walked carefully around the pool which was filled with wealthy kids who were smoking weed, snorting crack, etcetera. Everyone was making out, doing drugs, drinking, having sex, and partying like there was no tomorrow.

A few days ago, I got possession of my high school's pool gate. I had an immediate idea to have a summer party before school ended in a few days. I texted the whole school to bring whatever brought joy and fun to high school parties.

And boy, did they bring lots of things.

"Vera!" I heard someone call out my name. I turned around instantly meeting my eyes with my two closest best friends, Lilly and Norah.

Norah and I had a rough start to our friendship as I ignored her throughout her first year here in New York. Soon enough in the sixth grade, I let my guard down and let her into my world when she was persistent in being my friend.

"This is a cool fucking party!" Norah shouted to speak over the loud music.

I laughed as I hugged both of them. "I know, right!"

Norah and I began starting up a conversation while Lilly was whisked away by her crush. Her name was Tania Valora. Lilly liked her since they were scheduled in the same physics class. When Lilly began to be closer to Tania, she learned that she came from the United Kingdom. They transferred her to New York for a better education.

Norah didn't have any flings at the moment because she wanted to stay single for the time being. I was a completely different case. I have a loyal and loving boyfriend who has been mine since sophomore year. I fell in love with him when we all entered freshmen year of high school. It was love at first sight for me. We met each other when the all boy's school and the girls from Nightingale-Bamford went on a field trip together for drama class. We were partnered up to walk around the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.

I felt someone turn me around before feeling a familiar pair of lips on mine. I giggled into their lips before wrapping my arms around their neck and began to kiss them back. One of his hands snaked up from my waist to the back of my neck, his fingers tugging on my hair which caused me to let out a small moan. The other hand slipped down my half-naked body and cupped my buttocks before squeezing it lightly.

I pulled back once I felt breathless from the intense make-out. I felt his lips descend down my neck causing me to bite my lip to contain my small noises in response.

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