❀ Incorrect Quotes ❀

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Seungmin: [ rolls over in bed and accidentally knees Haerin in the ribs ]

Haerin: Ow! Seungmin, you kneed me!

Seungmin, half asleep: You're right, Rinnie. I do need you.


Doctor: Name?

Haerin: Lee Haerin

Doctor: Sex?

Haerin: Often

Doctor: I mean male or female

Haerin: Doesn't matter ;)


Minho: I hope you get run over

Haerin: Hoping is cool and all, but it will get you nowhere in life. Instead of wishful thinking, be the change you want to see.

Haerin: Get into your car, and run me the fuck over yourself.

Haerin: Lazy headass.


Haerin, knowing Chan is in desperate need of sleep: It's past your bedtime, you should go to sleep. You'll hate yourself in the morning if you don't.

Chan: Ha! Jokes on you, I hate myself no matter what!



Haerin: Do we need to have another talk


Haerin: Honestly, I'm such a badass. My heart is a black as the night. I feed off of the souls of the innocent. Everywhere I go, I strike fear into-

Chan: Sweetheart, you sleep with fourteen stuffed animals.



Haerin: Welcome to my vlog, today I'll be testing different hair products.

Haerin: *Sprays hairspray into her mouth*

Haerin: well, right off the bat, I can tell you that this is not very good.

Hyunjin: what the fu-


Haerin: Minho got kidnapped, and I have the ransom money.

Haerin: But I'm keeping all of it

Haerin: Bye-Bye Minho!


Haerin: Could we take a little break? I haven't eaten since 2:00

Jeongin: it's 2:15


Haerin: At least I'll die doing what I love

Seungmin: And what's that?

Haerin: Dying


Felix: Did it hurt?

Haerin: Yes

Felix: You didn't let me finish-

Haerin: everything hurts


Haerin: they say 70% of your body is H2O..

Haerin: the other 30% of me WANTS2DIE

 𝔻𝕒𝕙𝕝𝕚𝕒 ❀ Stray Kids 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now