❀ I Am YOU MV Behind Video ❀

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Clips from the I Am You behind video

~☫~ Clips from the I Am You behind video~☫~

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On top of a large gray roof of a tall building, 10 members and their loyal staff prepared to shoot the music video for their new comeback, I Am You. Furnitures like an unplugged fridge and an old striped couch were placed in their respective sets, waiting to be used in a scene.

While waiting for the appropriate time to record night scenes, the 10 members opted to fool around with the many props left to their disposal.

The camera cut to a girl with dual platinum braids, pushing a neon trolly that held a tall boy inside. Haerin strolled up to the camera with Jeongin sitting crammed into the cart. Even though his legs were hanging out of the front, and his back was uncomfortably pressed against the cart's rails, Jeongin displayed an adorable smile on his face.

"Hello everyone!" Haerin happily addressed the audience from the future. "Today I've gone shopping for food, and I've picked up this giant chicken."

Haerin gestured to the giggling brunette, who's eyes were shining like a puppy's.

"I have to feed my nine children, so I'm gonna go stick this guy in the fridge until I'm ready to cook him."

Haerin wheeled Jeongin, who was whining about how he wanted to eat actual chicken, towards the small kitchen set.

The video cut ahead to show Jeongin curled up inside of the fridge, with Jisung trying to pull him out by his arm. Felix and Haerin stood to the side and watched in amusement.

"Let's eat him!" Jisung joked after managing to get the younger boy out of the box. The maknae pointed up at the smaller freezer resorted to using his height advantage against Han.

"You could get in here, you're small enough." He smiled evilly.

Jisung pursed his lips and stared at Jeongin.

"Never mind, I think it's gone bad."


"I want to learn!" Haerin raised her hand with an excited smile, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet.

After watching Chan and Felix skate around the roof, she was determined to join in on the fun.

"Teach me, Bokkie!" Haerin begged the boy with dark orange hair. Felix laughed and placed the skateboard on the ground.

"Okay, okay little noona. Hop on."

Felix stretched out his hand, which Haerin eagerly grabbed onto as she stepped on top of the board. As soon as she planted both feet on it, the skateboard jolted, making the girl lose her balance. In a desperate attempt to not fall on her ass, Haerin looped her arms around Felix's neck and pressed herself against him with her eyes squeezed shut.

The boy laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist to steady her.

"Yah, be careful silly. You okay?"

Haerin nodded and leaned back a bit, so she could stick with holding onto Felix's arms for balance. Despite being one of Stray Kids' best dancers, Haerin has always been terribly clumsy. And while she has never had a fear of heights- she, like most people, is afraid of falling.

Despite her trembling legs, Haerin looked at Felix with a playful smile.

"My legs don't wanna move," She squeaked out as the boy grinned fondly. "So I guess you'll have to do all of the work."

Felix chuckled as he began to slowly walk with his arms still wrapped around her, gently pulling her along the roof. Haerin's focus shifted between her friend's handsome face, and the ground rolling beneath the skateboard; her glasses slid down her small nose at times, and Felix would push them back up.

"So much for actually learning how to ride." The younger boy teased, pulling Haerin by her waist.

The girl shrugged lightheartedly and gently squeezed his arm.

"I like it better this way."


The sun had finally set completely, and the skies turned dark. Even with a quick glance, Haerin could tell her boys were getting tired. They were acting far more delusional then normal.

On the plushy striped couch, Hyunjin sat with Changbin, who was clinging to his front like a baby monkey. The "dark" rapper's eyes were slowly drooping, as he was beginning to fall asleep on Hyunjin's lap. His head rest against the brunette's shoulder as he whined about the younger boys swarming around the two.

In the other middle of the couch, Haerin sat contently with Chan snuggled into her side, finally getting some shut eye. She gently pet his blonde hair and watched in amusement as Seungmin and Jeongin teased the older boys before running off to play with one of the cameras.

Glancing at Hyunjin, the platinum haired girl noticed how fidgety he was acting. He was still a bit hyper, and wanted to go fool around with the rest of the group.

Haerin chuckled, drawing his attention. She opened up her free arm invitingly and gestured to the boy in his arms.

"Give him here. You can go play."

With a grateful smile, Hyunjin careful placed the groggy Changbin into the girl's embrace, before jogging off to have fun. Barely noticing a change, Changbin just cuddled into Haerin's warmth before finally drifting off to sleep.

"Aish..." The dancer sighed, gazing fondly at the two boys in her arms. "It's like I'm their giant teddy bear."


 𝔻𝕒𝕙𝕝𝕚𝕒 ❀ Stray Kids 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now