Seungmin - Invisible (Part 2/3)

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Your alarm went off, waking you up from your deep slumber. You twisted and turned in your bed to wake up, before eventually turning the alarm off. You sat up straight and stretched your arms. You started thinking about that weird dream you had. You kind of found it funny how you actually thought a boy could just appear out of nowhere. You sat on the edge of the bed and stood up, but quickly jumped as you had just stepped on a boy. It was the boy from the dream. It hadn't been a dream after all. "Sorry Seungmin, I didn't mean to step on you. I just kind of thought it all had been a dream, and that you actually wouldn't be there." He just rubbed his eyes, and stood up. "It's okay, no worries!" He said sarcastically. "Well, I have to get ready for school, you can stay here if you want to. You could also go literally anywhere else you want to, not like anyone would notice!" You laughed. "Actually, I would like to join you."

"I was bored to death waiting for you yesterday, and I don't know where else to go. And you did say you had no friends right? I can accompany you! It's a win-win situation. You get a friend, and I won't be bored!" He smiled sweetly. "Sure! If you want to listen to my boring teachers for hours, be my guest!" You said. You went to get dressed, and then packed your backpack. Your mom had already left for her work by now. You called for Seungmin that lightly skipped down the stairs to join you by the door. You both left your house and started walking to school. "Did you eat breakfast?" Seungmin asked you. "No, I didn't. But don't worry about it, I never do. It makes me nauseous." He nodded understandingly. The two of you just made small talk, and soon reached the school. You were kind of early, but that was because you didn't like when it became extremely crowded right before the bell would ring.

You sat down in your chair, and Seungmin sat in the window frame to your left. You laid your head down on your desk, pretending to look out the window, when you were actually secretly looking at Seungmin. You looked at everything from his smile lines to his smooth skin. "What are you looking at?" He said tilting his head closer to yours. You got flustered and sat up, straightening yourself. "Nothing!" You said turning away from him. "You were looking at me, weren't you?" You panicked. "Pft! No! Why would I? Ha, ha, ha." You covered your face, knowing he could see straight through your lie. "You know, you're kind of cute when you get flustered." He turned you around so you were facing him. As you were about to say something to him some students walked in. "Y/n have you started talking to yourself huh? That's hilarious!" One of them said. "I knew you were lonely but not this lonely!" Another one said. You just stared down at your desk trying to ignore them.

You didn't say a word to Seungmin after that, which he totally understood. After some time class started. Having Seungmin by your side, did not only make you feel less lonely, but also turned out to be quite practical. Cause every time there was something you didn't understand, he could see it in your posture and would explain it as best as he could, since only you could hear him. You would nod your thanks every time he helped you out. Lunch finally came around and you decided to try and find a quiet place to eat where nobody was, so you could finally talk to Seungmin. You felt terrible for not talking with him, even though he totally understood the situation and didn't blame you. While walking around outside trying to find a spot to sit, some girls purposely tripped you making you fall face first to the ground. They just continued walking and laughing it off. "You should go cry about it to your imaginary friend!" One of them said, before the group disappeared behind the corner.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Seungmin asked, clearly worried. "I'm fine." You said giving him a weak smile. You stood up and brushed the dirt off of your knees, before continuing to look for a spot to sit. When you found a spot you sat down and ate your lunch. You once again talked with Seungmin about everything and nothing at the same time. You felt that every time you spent time with Seungmin you became so much closer, even though you technically barely knew each other. The bell once again rung, meaning class was starting soon. You quickly packed up and went to class. The rest of the day went the same as the first half. Sungmin helped you when you didn't understand something, you answered some questions in class, got some more comments about your imaginary friend, and got tripped a couple of more times. You had never been bullied before, and didn't exactly understand how this was enough to make you a bully victim.

You were finally walking home, meaning you could finally talk to Seungmin again. "I am really sorry for making you a bully victim. I shouldn't have talked to you, I should have known better." He said grabbing your hand while still walking and looking forward. You stopped walking, and Seungmin turned around to meet your gaze. "Seungmin, honestly don't think about it. If they think I am weird that's fine. If they really have nothing better to do with their time, that's their problem. A little tripping and some comments here and there won't break me. As long as you don't leave me, and continue to talk to me I will be fine. So I don't ever want you to even think about stopping to talk to me. Cause that is the only thing that can actually break me." You then started walking again. Stroking his hand.

You finally arrived home and checked if your mom had come home yet. As she hadn't you sat down in the living room and decided to watch some TV with Seungmin. "Do you have a favourite TV show?" You asked him. "Honestly, I don't really remember any." He said. You passed him the remote and told him to switch through the channels until he found something that he thought could look interesting. You then said you would go upstairs and do your homework, and left him downstairs. You sat down in your chair by your desk and tried to do your homework as quickly as possible. After you were done you thought about your day. Sungmin came through the door and worry filled his face. "Oh my God! Y/n why are you crying?" "What?" You touched your face. As he had said you were crying.

He embraced you in a hug and you instinctively hugged back, lightly pulling him closer. "Is it the comments? They bother you after all don't they?” He said. You nodded into his chest. “It's okay y/n. You don't have to keep it in, i'm here for you and I won't leave. I am your friend and you can talk to me about anything, so please share your burdens with me. You said you would after all." After the little comfort session you both went to bed, and all you could think about was what would happen next.



I was supposed to publish this the day after the last one, but I wanted to write the entire thing done so I could split it into even-ish paragraphs per chapter, as I figured that it would be more than a two part story.

Then I went swimming and got sick. My head hurts like hell and my throat stings 24/7.

I could have done it faster, but I really didn't want to rush it like I did with the last Seungmin imagine  as I really regret rushing it. I hope that's understandable

I still had a lot of fun writing it when I eventually came around to it though. 1266 words... how many words will this story be in total?😂

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