Minho - Stargazing

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Earlier today Minho had invited you out since he finally had gotten some time to hang out. He was in the middle of a comeback and was very busy. So when he suddenly texted you, you got very surprised. It had been a while since you saw him and missed talking to him. The two of you could talk about everything from where you should order dinner, to the meaning of life. You had agreed to meet at Han River as it was both yours and his favourite place to relax.

It was now 8 pm and you were walking to Han River. You were listening to "3rd Eye" while watching the stars in the sky. When you arrived you found a spot to place the blanket, before laying down. The place was pretty empty so you just listened to stray kids getting lost in the music.

"BO!" Minho screamed in your ear, trying to scare you. "Aw, you barely moved. That's not fun." He said in a jokingly manner. "Well you know I don't get scared easily" you laughed. He layed down beside you. And then it became quiet. Not awkward silence, but a comfortable one. You started humming to Miroh and Minho soon joined.

"Looking at stars makes me think of starsigns and horoscopes" Minho said. "Wait do you believe in that?" You asked surprised. "I don't know to be honest" he said while turning to face you. "Let me read your horoscope for today then." You said jokingly before searching it up on your phone.

"Scorpio: Someone's powerful charisma will turn your head today and inspire you to get more involved. You are starting to want to share more of yourself with others, so it is important that you stay connected to people. Think of what you like the most in your life, and try to give someone else that very thing." You read.

"Does this feel familiar?" You asked while turning towards him as well. "Yeah, It kind of does." He said. You just stared at each other for a while and you started to get cold. Soon your arms were covered in goosebumps and you shivered like never before. "Hey, take this." He said before he took off his jacket and covered you with it. "Thank you, you always take care of me." The two of you were childhood friends and he had always supported you and taken care of you when needed. "Well, you take care of me too."

"Minho, I'm glad I met you and became your friend." You said. You could see his eyes turning kinda sad. "Yeah I'm also glad we became friends." "Look a shooting star!" You pointed out. "Quick! Wish for something!" You said before putting your hands together and closing your eyes, making a wish. A minute passed before you asked Minho. " What did you wish for?" You tilted your head.

"I wished for you and I to be together forever."

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