Felix - Lost

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Who else is excited af for the comeback today like me? Raise your hands 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️

You looked down at your phone on google maps trying to understand which direction you were supposed to go. You were in a city you had never been in before to meet up with Felix, as you hadn’t seen him in quite a while. The reason you were in a city you weren’t familiar with, was because he was very busy and had a concert that day, but he told you he could meet up before the concert if you were in the area. Since you missed him and wanted to see him, you had agreed to meet him in a café that was close to the venue they were performing at.

After walking around for a while, you still hadn’t figured out where the café was. You had been walking around for ages trying to find it, but had no success. You took out your phone wanting to call Felix, only to realise that it had already been fifteen minutes since you were supposed to meet up. As you were about to call Felix, your phone died. Thinking about the situation rationally, you decided that the smartest thing to do would be to just look around the area close to the venue, and hope that you would stumble upon the café.

You continued to walk around for about another thirty minutes. It became dark which normally wouldn’t really bother you, but the fact that you were in an unknown city, alone, in the dark, sent slight shivers down your spine. The fact that no one could reach you made it even worse. By now Felix would have had to go back to the venue to not be late for their concert, which would mean that no one was looking for you either. Waking up from all your thoughts, you looked around and saw that you couldn’t even see the venue in the distance anymore. You thoughts had completely enveloped you, making you lose track of where you had been going. Normally you would be able to recall which direction you came from, but because you were distracted, for the first time in you life, you couldn’t.

Where you had been before there had been lots of people and lights, as the venue was close to the core of the city, but wherever you were now there was not a single soul in sight. The streetlights weren’t comforting anymore. They somehow emphasised the scary feeling you already had. The wind was cold, and as you had come in thin clothing because of how warm it normally gets inside concerts, you were basically freezing to death by now. Your teeth were chattering as you tried to wrap your thin jacket closer to your body, hoping for some type of warmth from it.

You suddenly heard something that sounded like steps and turned around to see a middle aged man dressed in all black. As you turned around he suspiciously stopped and pretended to look at one of the buildings to his left. You quickly understood that there was a chance he was following you and started to speed-walk. You obviously didn’t know where to go, but you just had to lose him. You walked around a corner and saw an alleyway. Since he couldn’t see you around the corner you ran into the alleyway. There was a couple of dumpsters there that you decided to crouch behind as there was no other place to hide.

You crouched down and used one arm to support yourself against the wall, and used the other one to cover your mouth. You could hear the mans footsteps from a distance meaning he was walking past the alleyway. After some minutes you had finally mustered up enough courage to peak your head out from behind the dumpster to see if the coast was clear. You couldn’t see him and therefore stood up lightly walking over to where you lost him. As you peeked around the corner someone put their hands on your shoulder making you scream out of fright and fall to the ground.

“Omg, Y/n are you okay?” Felix said as he crouched down to meet your eyes. Seeing it was him and not the creepy middle aged man relieved you and you lunged forward to hug him. You grabbed his sweater, clenching the material that was in your fists. Trapping him in a tight hug you buried your face in his chest, as a tear slipped from your eyes. You could feel his body tense for a couple of seconds before he returned the hug. "Thank you, for looking after me." You said while slowly recovering from the whole situation. "Always." Was all he said before it became quiet again. But this time you weren’t scared, as Felix was by your side.

Realisation hit you and you pulled away from the hug before asking "Wait, why are you here. Didn’t your concert start like, a while ago?" He lifted his arm to scratch the back of his neck and said "I pretended I got hurt when we were supposed to meet up so I could look for you." He looked away shyly. "Felix! Why would you do that? There are probably so many fans that came to see you!" You lightly scolded him before flicking his forehead. He grabbed your wrist softly. "I know that, but I don’t care. It isn’t like you to not answer your phone, especially in an unknown city. I knew something was up and I couldn’t just pretend like nothing! What if something had happened to you, I couldn’t risk that! I would never be able to forgive myself then." You could see a blush appear on his freckled cheeks.

It had been a long time since you saw him this flustered, and it made you reminisce about the past. You stood out reaching out your hand, helping him up as well. You both brushed off any dirt on your clothes before he took your hand in his. "Let’s go back before everyone notices I am gone." He smiles as he starts to walk through the streets back to the venue. "Felix?" You say while looking at his back. "Yeah?" He answers as he looks back. "Thank you again for looking for me, and caring for me. I couldn’t have asked for someone better by my side." You gave him a genuine smile. "Don’t think about it, the same goes for me. Remember, I will always be here for you."

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