Seungmin - Part Time Job

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It was 8 am. You had just entered the café you worked at together with your co worker Seungmin. You had gotten a part time job there with the help of his recommendation. He knew you needed some extra money and since his boss adored Seungmin he immediately gave you a chance to work there. Working as a barista was hard for you. You didn't exactly have the best memory and your precision was off to say the least. So remembering how to make various types of coffee wasn't exactly your ideal job. Nonetheless you didn't have much of a choice, seeing as no one else would accept you.

Even though on some days Seungmin used more time on fixing your mistakes than doing his own work, he was happy to have you there. You became friends in elementary school and had been close ever since. Whenever he needed a supporter, you were there. Whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there. You were extremely happy to have hun by your side, and to your knowledge he was happy to have you by his side too.

The day slowly went by and it was now in the middle of rush hours. The staff was taking orders fast as lightning and giving them to you and Seungmin so you could make the drinks. Seungmin was doing an impeccable job, while you just kind of stood there confused. You didn't remember what order came first between the latte, espresso and the macchiato. You just took a guess and made the espresso first. Since there isn't really much to an espresso you were quickly done. You gave it to the waitress who gave it to the customer who had ordered it. You then proceeded to make the latte, only to realize you had forgotten what kind of syrup the customer had asked for. You panicked looking over at Seungmin. "Caramel." He said still focused on making his own order.

He had gotten used to you forgetting so he now had started to remember both your and his orders. He didn't want you to get fired, you assumed it was because he found it entertaining how much you could mess up and also because you made him smile a lot. He didn't say that to you, but you knew that if you didn't mean anything to him or if you were a real pain in his ass, he would have let you been fired ages ago. But he didn't. You made the latte and once again gave it to the waitress. You then started on the macchiato, as you heard the cashier take five new orders. You panicked wanting to be done with the macchiato as soon as possible.

You got it done and gave it to the waitress who delivered it to one angry looking customer. You then realized you forgot the heavy cream which was a really important component. You then recieved two new orders and Seungmin got three. You couldn't do anything about the order right now as you had to make new ones. You then made a oreo frappuccino and a iced caramel macchiato. This time you made both of them right, but it took you quite some time. Rush hour seemed to never end. You got more and more orders and you started feeling a little dizzy. Seungmin saw you weren't feeling well and said he could take both your shift and his. You of course rejected his offer saying that it would be insane in the middle of rush hour, and that you would be fine.

You made all orders and it was finally closing time. After rush hour it had gotten a lot better. But during rush hours you had spilled coffee, made wrong orders multiple times and even fallen on the floor three times, as you tried speed walking. Often colliding into Seungmin making him mess up as well. You were about to turn the sign to closed as your boss walked towards you. "Y/n, we need to talk now." He was stern and you just nodded your head looking down and following him into the back of the café. "I've gotten multiple complaints about you today. So many that I think you in a couple of hours have gotten more compaints than I think I have ever heard in my entire life. None of my other employees are as messy and time consuming as you are and because of this I can't do much except fire you. I'm sorry."

You of course knew it was coming. You had been a mess for a while now, and you knew you deserved it. None the less you were thankful for him keeping you employed for this long. "Thank you for having me! Even though I messed up a lot, I really enjoyed working here. I will hand in my apron now, goodbye." You took your apron off and laid it down on the counter. You were about to leave the room when Seungming entered. "Wait! If you fire her you must fire me too!" He said taking off his apron putting it on the counter together with yours. "Seungmin why are you doing this? You're a star employee, there's no reason for you to make such stupid decisions-" The boss got cut off.

"It's not a stupid decision! She works so hard to stay here, and even though she messes up she never get's demotivated by it. She is human, she makes mistakes, but she also tries so hard to fix her mistakes. And if she doesn't deserve to work here, then no one does." Seungmin grabbed your hand about to drag you out of the café when the owner yelled. "Wait! Fine, your not fired. But Seungmin you have to make sure she doesn't mess up as much. I'm going to leave now. Lock up will you?" The boss said before leaving the café, making you and Seungmin the only people left.

"Why would you do that? You could have lost your job." You said hitting Seungmin in the shoulder. "Ouch! You're welcome!" He said holding his hand over the place you hit him. "No actually though. Why would you do that?" He just leaned down to meet your face. "Cause if I can't laugh at your mistakes, who will I laugh at then?" He said poking his tongue out. You just huffed and he laughed. "Come on now, let's go home." He said dragging you out of the store. While walking home all he could look at was his beautiful best friend that he was hoping would stay by his side. Hopefully than more as a friend one day.

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