Neko Danny

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When I woke up I remembered what happened yesterday and that I now have cat ears. I got up feeling groggy and went into my closet. I saw a big shirt I just shrugged and put it on. Not realizing it was Tim's need shirt that had glasses on it. I walked in the kitchen to see everyone chatting but they all went quiet.

"Yawn morning everyone nyaa" I said stretching while rubbing my eye. I then realized that I said nyaa but due to me being sleep deprived I didn't care honestly. So the shocked face son my brothers was priceless. I just shrugged again and sat down next to Dick who immediately picked me up and settled me in his lap. "Dick just why?" He just shrugged when I asked him that and started to feed me his waffles.

When I was almost done eating I was pulled out of his lap into Jason's. Who started to pet my ears which caused some purrs from me. He then started to rub my belly and I was an heaven and started to purr louder. But it all ended when I was snatched again but this time it was Tim. All he did was just sit me in his lap while letting me .

I didn't mind tho it let me have a break and actually relax. Later on after that Jason grabbed a laser pointer and here's how that went. "F$&@ JASON STOP HE'LL HURT HIMSELF" was Tim. "YOU INSOLENT FOOL HE'S GOING TO BREAK SOMETHING" was Damian. Then came "TIM DONT CUSS AND DAMIAN STOP TRYING TO CUT JASON AMD JASON FOR THE LOVED OF EVERYTHING OUT THE LZAER POINTER AWAY". Which after awhile Alfred asserted the situation and laser pointers are now band from the Wayne manor.

I just couldn't hold in my laughter when everyone looked so tired of chasing me around form the laser pointer. When I laughed all of my brothers tried to tickle me but I may have attached myself to the ceiling. The boys tried to coax me down which only ended up with me ignoring them. So it was just me walking on the ceiling thanks to my claws. Like Spider-Man would which he would be so proud.

After walking on the ceiling for awhile the boys lost me and I walked into Dad's meeting room not realizing that him and the JL were having a meeting. When I walked in tho no one realized I was there yet besides Wonder Woman which she kept quiet. I then jumped down form the ceiling onto the table and said. " DAAAAAAADDDDD help please the boys keep on trying to tickle me". I said in a needy slash said voice.

He gave me a look that said 'really now'?. I just ignored it and cringe dot him becoming impossible for him to remove me. So he just sighed and sat down with me cuddling him. With me not realizing that my brothers were right behind me and that I have already fallen asleep.

Batman's POV
"Here guys take him to his room to have a nap" the boys nodded and hey headed towards Danny's room. I just sat there thinking 'I'm gonna have to find him a good man one day but just who?'. Then it came to me Amy e one of his brothers but do they even like him. Or maybe superbly it Kaldur they are very protective of him and are kind and sincere.

Bruce sat there while the rest of the JL continued with the meeting. The only thing on Bruce's mind was 'who will get Danny'.

Danny GraysonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora