Chapter 16

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*I hope you are enjoying! Love you guys! Enjoy!💖*

Aiden pulls me over under the bleachers.

"What do you want?," I ask as I pull my arm away.

"What the fuck was that at lunch?," he says with a tone I've never heard from him.

"I should be asking you the same thing," I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"I was just showing you how it felt when you didn"t tell me what you and Jake talked about," he said.

I. Felt. Enraged.

"Showing me how it felt!," I yell. "You let her sit on your lap with your hand on her ass!"

"I was just proving a point I'm sorry," he says grabbing my hands.

I pull my hands away from him.

"No!," I yell shaking my head. "You are so... so... so fucking difficult! First you bullied me for my entire life, then you suddenly start showing me these amazing places and kissing me, then you go around and act like nothing is happening! What is wrong with you! Do you really hate me that much that you come and do all of this crap?"

He doesn't say anything as he stands in shock. I can feel the tears burning my eyes but I'm not giving him the satisfaction of watching me cry.

"You know what?," I say looking at him. "Don't call me, don't text me some bullshit. Bully me all you want but I want nothing to do with you Aiden Marcus Wilson."

I walk past him and go to sit on the bleachers. He walks onto the field after a few minutes and talks to coach. I watch as coach makes him sprint around the track two times. Nothing in me felt bad.

"Hey," I hear.

I look up and smile at Jake.

"Hey," I say to him. "What's up?"

"Nothing," he says. "Just came to watch the team practice before my tryouts."

"Oh your trying out?," I ask him.

"Yeah, and if I don't make it I can always go for basketball."

"Well whats your favorite sport?," I ask him.

"Don't got one," he laughs. "I love them all."

"Oh wow," I laugh. "That's cool."


"No problems," I say turning my head back to the field.

"You play any sports?," he asks me.

I laugh. "Not really unless you count eating. But I do workout."

He smiles. "We should work out together sometime."

"Sound like fun."

We sit in silence for a minute until Jake clears his throat.

"So," he says. "Do you have any plans tonight?"

"None that I know of ," I say smiling. "Probably going to lay in bed and watch movies."

He smiles. "Mind if I join you?"

I look at him. "Really? You want to come watch movies with me when you could have a Barbie bitch cheerleader at your house?"

He laughs. "Your more fun to be around."

"Really?," I ask smiling as a blush sets in.

"Yep," he says grinning.

"Well I mean, sure I don't mind the company," I say.

"Great, then its a date," he says getting up and grinning." "I'll be there at 8."

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