Chapter 7

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I pack up my stuff and leave the classroom. Heading to my locker, I think about how miserable I'm going to be in detention.

"Hey," Maddie and Johnny says.

"Hey guys," I smile. "Excited for your guys game tomorrow Johnny?"

He frowns a little. "I guess."

"Why I guess?," I ask him.

"Well, Annie can't come and neither can my parents," he says.

~Annie is Johnny's girlfriend. They've been dating for 5 months. She goes to a different School than us so he barely sees her.~

"I'm sorry," I say to him.

"Are you two coming?," he asks. "I need my best friends there to support me."

I feel my heart silently break. I wasn't going to go, of course I just don't get along with a lot of people from school.

"Well uh..."

"Please," he says.

I sigh. "Fine, I'll go."

"Thank you!," he says. "What about you Madd's?"

She laughs. "I can't go, I'm still grounded."

Johnny groans. "Damn you."


"Got to go guys," I say. "I got detention."

"Okay bye," they say. "Love you!"

"Love you guys too."

Closing my locker, I grab my bag and make my way to the abandoned classroom for detention. No teacher owns that room so it's used for detention after school. Walking into the room, I'm greeted by principal Jefferson.

"Sign in and pick a seat," he says. "You may be on your phone but no talking."

Nodding my head, I signed the board and walk to the back corner of the room. I'm only person in the room as I wait for the time to start for my one-hour detention.

"Ah, Mr. Wilson," the principal says. "Glad you decided to show up."

My body freezes. I don't even have to look up and see who's here cuz I already know. I feel his Gaze on me as I dare not to look up at him or show him how nervous I am.

"Take a seat Aiden," Principal Jefferson orders.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Aiden go to the back of the classroom and sit down. He sat across the room from me.

"Okay," Principal Jefferson says. "We have one person mi-."

"Nope, I'm here."


The voice of the person that wants made me feel whole. A chill flew down my spine and my eye started to ache. I'd rather be stuck in a closet with Aiden then hearing his voice.

"Hello Mr. Ram," the principal says. "Glad to see you made it. Sign the paper and have a seat. You know the rules."

I look from the corner of my eye and watch Mark sit dead center in the middle of the room. ~This is going to be one long hour...~ I put my headphones in and lay back in the desk closing my eyes.

About 15 minutes go by when I feel a paper ball hit my head. Opening my eyes, I sit up and meet eyes with a smirking Mark. I rolled my eyes and lay back again.

"I'll be right back," Principal Jefferson says. "I gotta use the restroom."

~What? The only adult in the room is leaving me alone with Aiden AND Mark? Hell has frozen over.~ I watch as a principal Jefferson leaves the room. I feel my heart shatter and fear pulled me into its arms.

"What's up Elia?," Mark says as he strolls over to me.

I stay quiet.

"Not gonna answer me?," he asks.

I say nothing.

He grabs me by the hair and pulls me up.

"When I talk to you, I expect a goddamn answer," he says only inches from my face. "Now, what-."

Before Mark can finish his sentence. Aiden comes over and taps on Mark's shoulder. Mark turns around.

"This isn't your business Wilson," Mark says looking back at me, my hair still tangled in his fist.

"It is now," Aiden says. "Now, it'd be great pleasure if you took your hands off of Amelia."

Mark laughs while Aiden keeps a smile on his face that really creeps me out.

"Fuck off Wilson," Mark growls.

I watch Aiden Huff loudly and crack his knuckles. I feel Mark's grip on my hair loosen a little, but not enough for me to escape.

"Suit yourself," Aiden sighed.

Suddenly one of Aiden's hands grab a handful of Mark's hair while his other raps tightly around marks wrist. He pulled Mark's head back roughly.

"Let her go, before my foot goes so far up your ass, you will be permanently paralyzed and have shit coming out your dick," Aiden growled.

Mark's hand let go of my hair and I sighed with relief. Aiden let go of Mark's wrist; which was a big mistake. And in the speed of light, Mark balled up his fist and punched Aiden in the face. Aiden took barely any emotion to the punch; although, he did have a cut on his eyebrow. Aiden came back from Dallas and knocked Mark off his feet. Within seconds, Aiden was on top of Mark. As much as I loved watching Mark get his ass beat, I had to stop Aiden before he killed him.

"Aiden stop!," I yell as I pull at Aiden's muscular shoulder.


He ignores me and punches left and right at Mark. I pull at his arms, shirt, and shoulder; but I get nothing.

"Aiden stop!," I cry out.

He freezes and looks up at me. His eyes go from a dark black light color to his Hazel gray eyes. ~Wait, how do I know his eye color?~ He stands up off Mark and runs his hand through his messy brown hair. I can feel the frustration as it radiates off of him.

"I'm sorry," he says to me breathlessly.

~I'm sorry, did anyone else hear that? Aiden Macus Wilson just said sorry to me, Amelia Ann Michael. What has this world come to?~ Before I have time to answer him, Mr. Jefferson walks into the room.

"Sorry I took so-," he stops. "Aiden Wilson what trouble have you caused this time!?"

*Hope you enjoyed! This took me awhile to write since I couldn't think straight. Anyways, love you guys! ByeBye!💖*

 Anyways, love you guys! ByeBye!💖*

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