Chapter 46

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I've had to pee for the last hour...but my's so...far away

Sinister's POV:

The senator and I had finally finished up our paperwork, and I was almost at Rachel's mothers house.

I rarely ever felt remorse or guilt. Truly evil people don't just hurt people, they take pride in the hurt and pain they inflict.

I had been spending the majority of my life committing crimes: I killed people for money, and the truth of the matter, was that I liked it. I liked that cold fear that I inflicted. I enjoyed people cowering from me, begging for mercy and fearing my name. I was a bad man who felt very little remorse.

But I felt for Rachel, I couldn't imagine what I would do if I lost Calla. And even though Afanas had been my best friend and brother, I couldn't help that painful sadness that flooded my mind whenever I thought of Rachel.

I tried not to think of Afanas's death. I knew it would make me break down and lose myself completely if I thought of him. I couldn't be weak, I couldn't cry, I couldn't show sadness.

So I didn't think about it.

"Mr. Velkov, we're approaching the house." My guard said to me, motioning out the window to a very small house with white picket fencing.

I felt the car lull to a stop.

"Stay in the car, I won't be long." I ordered, stepping out of the car and straightening out my suit jacket as I made my way up the driveway and knocked on the door.

I stood at the front door and waited awhile, my foot tapping impatiently as I waited for someone to answer the door. I guess I was nervous, I didn't exactly know how to deal with emotional people. Calla was the only person I truly knew how to comfort. If Rachel started crying, I'd probably just give her a pat on the back or something stupid like that.

After a few minutes, the door finally creaked open, and I felt myself feeling like somebody just ran over me with their fucking car.

Afanas stood in the doorway.

Holy fuck.

My mind instantly began filling with painful realization, my heart hammered in my head as I stared at him.

I felt myself losing my footing as I took a massive step back, my hands covered my mouth as I stared at my best friend. The man who I thought was dead, the man who I grew up with, the man that I watched die in front of my fucking eyes.

Piercing memories flooded my mind, memories from that night. The night I watched the light leave his eyes. The night he risked his life for Calla.

I remembered his shivering body as cold death began to consume him, I remember the trails of tears that flooded his dying eyes. I remember the pool of blood that drowned his corpse. I saw him fucking die.

And now, here he was, looking perfectly healthy, a small smile etched on the edges of his lips.

I couldn't say anything.

Afanas threw his arms around me in a strong embrace, but I couldn't reciprocate. I couldn't fucking move.

" died..." I choked, unable to form a full sentence as I forced my arms to hug him back.

"As if I'd die without taking you with me." He croaked out, as he pulled away.

A light haziness filled my mind, my mouth opening and closing like a fucking idiot as he lead my frozen body inside.

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