Chapter 13

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New cover made by Infectious_Mortals !! She's an absolute sweetheart and made me so many covers!!!

The average "love making sessions" (hormonal induced fuckery) lasts approximately 7.3 minutes...damn


I had no words. My mouth hung open with the sounds of his words.

Sinister has a brother?

There was a resemblance, the tall lean figures, blue eyes, dark hair, and thirst for blood. But Sinister had never mentioned a brother to me, and now that I think of it, Sinister never talked about his family. Sinister never talked about his personal life at all.

I said nothing, I was at a complete loss for words.

Luka's eyes narrowed in on me, "You seem taken aback..."

No shit.

I didn't say anything. I didn't know my current position, I didn't know if Sinister and Luka were still close; if I should tell Luka who I really am. Hell, I didn't even know if they hated each other or loved each other, but judging the way that Luka reacted when I brought up Sinisters name, I assume it's option number 1.

"Calla?" His voice was suspicious as he evaluated me.

Okay, Calla. Time to put on a fucking Broadway show and pretend like this news didn't just make you cum and cry at the same time.


His brows furrowed, "you seem taken aback...?"


His confusion only grew, "I beg your pardon?"

"Go for it."

"Go for what?"

"Beg my pardon."

My reasoning behind this highly uneducated conversation was simply for the reason that I did not want to answer his question. I didn't have an answer for his question.

His dark ocean eyes narrowed at mine, "Do you know my brother?"

I shook my head slowly, "no, I've heard only stories."

Lie. I'm married to the fucker.

I love Sinister. The simple mention of his name brought tears to my eyes.

I hated my life. I hated never being near the people I love. I missed Rachel, I missed Sebastian, I missed Sinister....

Hell, I even missed Afanas; that little coke head.

I had no idea what has become of the people I care about. I don't know if Rachel was killed because of my idiocy in breaking Omertà. I didn't know if Sebastian made it out alive of the American Mob.

I didn't even know if Sinister was looking for me, and it was this burning oblivion that made me feel like I was drowning completely.

I felt the car coming to a stop, my eyes flashed up to meet Luka's dark blue orbs. He was staring at me. Not out of lust, or rage, or confusion.

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