Chapter 23

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I'm currently hyperventilating because college apps are fucking my ass sideways.

:) Aleksei's not Dead.


"Hypothetically, if we were to join the mile high club, would you wanna fuck in the bathroom or the cockpit?"

I raised my eyebrow, "Are you saying 'cockpit' because it has the word cock in it?"

Sinister grinned, his bleach white teeth glimmering, his eyes sparkled their mischievous icy color. He sat back on the couch of his jet, the soothing hum of the planes wings cutting through the air was soothing.

I help back a smile, "We still need to talk." I crossed my arms.

His face fell, "About what?"

"Your mom, your sister, your father...I don't know them, and I'm going to meet them. I just want to know about them."

He shrugged, pulling a blunt from his jacket pocket and sparking it up.

I heard giggling, and turned to see Afanas and Rachel goofing around a few seats back. Afanas was literally sprinkling cocaine in her hair and joking that she had really bad dandruff.

He is a child.

"Well, I guess I'll start with my sister" He said, blowing smoke in perfect, foggy O's

"Her name is Sasha, and she's a total pain in my ass. You'd like her, she likes to annoy the shit out of me. She's 19, obsessed with shopping and Disney movies. She also has a hell of a right hook, she likes to practice every time she sees me"

I think I'd like her.

He continued, "My mother, Katya, is the most loving person. She was the only parental figure I had growing up. While my father was the strict and professional one, my mother was always incredibly kind and understanding. My mothers dad, and my fathers dad grew up in the mafia together, and when they both had kids, they saw fit in them marrying each other. It wasn't fair, but my mother grew to love my father very much, despite who he was, and the things he did."

"What did your mother think about you inheriting your fathers position as the leader of the Russian Mafia?" I asked.

His iced eyes dimmed slightly, "She didn't like it. But she knew, when I was born, that the mob would become my life. She knows the things I do, the people I hurt, and the crime I commit. But I think she tries to look past it."

I nodded, understanding. I was the exact same way. I knew Sinister, I've seen the terror and death he's caused. I know people look at me and wonder how I could love someone so evil.

But the truth is that good people, do terrible things all the time. It wasn't Sinisters job to be a good man. His job was to be a respected man among the Family of the mob. And he was. Sinister was incredibly respected.

It wasn't his job to make me love him. He made me love him without even trying. I sometimes think back to all of the things he's done, to me, and to others. But I can't bring myself to stop loving him. Because he made me love, when I never thought I could. He may have kidnapped me, but I don't think of it that way. I think he saved me from a life where I never would have fit in.

"I'm a bad man, Calla. I do terrible things, for unjust reasons. And I don't think that will ever change. I've been called the Devil many times in my life, and it's true in a way. But the Devil was once an angel, Calla. And let me tell you something...I was never an angel"

He smiled sadly at me

"You chose to love the worst kind of person, Cal, I was a monster, I'm still a monster, and I will never take your love for granted."

I wrapped my arms around his strong, hard body, and smiled.

We were silent for awhile. The only sound to be heard, was the soft hum of the jets engine.

"How long has it been since you've seen them?" I asked suddenly, watching every perfect feature of his face. His icy blue eyes, his jet black hair, his defined jaw...

He simply shrugged, "Many years. They didn't even know I got married to you."

I frowned, "You didn't tell them? Why didn't you tell them?"

"I live a very different life than many, as you can tell. I think my father wanted me to marry someone rich, someone who would add even more power to the Mafia. Not that I particularly care. My fathers approval used to be everything to me, but now, I don't exactly give a fuck."

I curled my body into a tight ball, "Well I may not be rich, but I'm pretty smart. Sometimes, I'm so smart, that I don't even know what I'm talking about, and neither does anyone else."

He smirked, holding my hands in his, "you're damn right."

"Afanas, stop scratching me!" I heard Rachel squeal.

"I am kitty. Kitty scratch." Afanas grinned, pawing at her. White dust was coated under his nose. That little crackhead.

Rachel grinned, her pale skin flushing as Afanas pulled her onto his lap, burying his face in her sweatshirt.

"Afanas, could you, for like one second, chill the fuck out?" Sinister called out, running his hands through his hair.

Afanas ignored him, and continued to play-fight with Rachel.

Sinister shook his head, pulling out his lap top, as he began to type away, his face expressionless with concentration.

"What're you doing?" I asked, watching as he typed away.

"We purchased a casino last month, in Azov city, Russia. We're using it to launder our money from drug-trafficking and smuggling profits." He said, his eyes concentrating on the monitor, the light from the screen made his icy eyes light up.

"What're you smuggling these days?"

He smirked, "guns, mostly."

"DON'T FORGET PEOPLE!!!" Afanas called out.

My eyes went wide, "Human-trafficking?"

"Don't act so surprised, flower. You know the things my organization does." Sinister said, his eyes flickering up to mine.

I lowered my head, my eyes grazing the ground.

"It's a business, Cal. If I don't do these things, then someone else will. I've been the bad guy my entire life, I've stopped caring about what people think of me, because my organization is all I've ever known. You're the only person I've ever truly cared about and loved, I know I do bad things, and you know I do bad things"

He set his laptop aside and held my hand in his

"Light is easy to love, Cal. It's the darkness that really matters."

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