Chapter 32

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I'm sorry :(

Everything can change in an instant. Everything. And then, there is only here, and now.

It's crazy how one decision, can ricochet into something terrible. It's that guilt, that I chose the wrong decision, that will haunt me for the rest of my fucking life.

When someone has been in your life for such a fucking long time, they become a part of you. But it's only when they're gone, that they take a part of you with them. And from then on'll never be the same again.

I don't know why he did it. I don't know why he dove in front of that bullet.

It should have been me.

And now, I'll spend the rest of my life wondering what I could have done to stop it. And it's that not knowing part, that'll kill me from the inside out.

It all happened to fast.

I sat on the jet, in complete silence, fighting back the tears that burned my eyes with such emotion, I felt like throwing up.

It all happened so fast...


That night.

Sinister's POV:

The minivan skidded to a stop outside my childhood home. I felt my heart beating through my chest as I saw the sports car that Koda drove, parked outside.

The house was dead and quiet, it could have been a picture. There was no light, no sounds, no sign that there was anyone inside.

The car I had stolen from my father earlier, was parked outside, the doors still open with the interior lights on.

Afanas was loading his pistols, his eyes were dark as he glanced up at me.

"That's not your family in there." He said lowly, "Other than your mom and Sasha...Calla is the only person that matters in there. You do what you have to do, I have your back no matter what."

I nodded slowly, "I know what I have to do."

He reached up and grabbed my arm, his eyes were hard in concentration as he spoke.

"I know shits been rough for you, but you have Calla, she's all that matters. You were given this life because you're strong enough to live it. Go show those fuckheads that your life, Calla's life, is more important than theirs."

I nodded again, pulling the strap to an AR-15 rifle over my head, as we walked out of the car, and up the steps, into the dark, dead mansion.

The inside was still and quiet. The only light was from the moon, everything inside was dim and shadowed.

"I'll check downstairs, you go upstairs." Afanas said to me, holding his rifle close to his chest.

"Be careful." I said to him, as I sprinted up the stairs.

I made my way towards my fathers old office, if he were to take Calla somewhere, it'd probably be there.

It was in that office, that he ruined my life. It was in that room, that he murdered my childhood. I hadn't stepped foot inside for over 10 years.

I threw open the double doors, pointing the rifle into the room, but there was nothing. Only a dark room filled with painful memories.

I felt my heart thumping faster as I sprinted towards my mothers room, I kicked the bedroom door open, only to find her sleeping peacefully in bed.

Where the fuck are they?

The gears in my head finally clicked.

The basement.

I flew down the stairs, my breathing was raspy and rigid as I sprinted towards the basement steps.

As soon as I got to the entrance of the basement stairway, I heard a scream, and then a gunshot.

Calla. Oh my god no. Please god no.

I held my gun high in my hands as I ran down the steps.

And what I saw before me, will scar me until the day I die.

There was no training that prepared me for what I saw. There was no person, or place that could ever wipe away the scene that lay before me.

Afanas lay in a pool of blood, his body on top of Calla who was screaming bloody murder. Her sobs echoed across the room.

I didn't think. I only shot.

Bullets flew across the room, and imbedded themselves into the unsuspecting men around us.

I heard their grunts as each round of fire flew into their flesh. But all I saw was red. This boiling hot rage that killed me, burned me, drowned me in it's fucking suffocation.

There was blood everywhere. It was hell on Earth, as the bullets imbedded themselves in Luka, Koda, and my father.

The men slumped to the ground, drowning in their own blood. I fired 6 more rounds, my hands trembling, shaking, and ice cold with rage.

I felt my body shaking, as I dropped the gun. I ran over to Calla, her head had a deep gash, her eyes were closed, but she was breathing. There were no gunshot wounds on her skin.

Afanas took a bullet for her. He risked his life for her.

I turned myself to Afanas, who lay there in a pool of his own blood. Tears streaming down his eyes, a bullet was imbedded in his chest.

I threw myself on top of him, pulling his body on top of mine, pressing my hands over his gushing wound.

His body trembled, his eyes fluttering. Blood poured out of his body, and I knew he was going to die. Nothing could save him.

"S-Sinister..." He choked, blood pouring out of his mouth.

I gripped his weak hand in mine, watching as he struggled to speak.

"Don't talk man" I sobbed, holding him close "You're gonna make it, w-we'll get help."

Tears poured down my face, his hand weakly squeezed mine. He knew there was no way to save him.

"T-Thank you...for this life." He choked, tears streaming down his face, his grip on my hand beginning to loosen.

"Don't die on me. I need you here." I sobbed, holding onto his hand for dear life.

His glossy eyes slowly met mine, he gave my hand a final squeeze.

"Hold her close to you, Sinister. L-Live the life I never could." He choked out, blood dripping down his chin.

And suddenly, he wasn't holding onto me at all.

He was dead. My best friend was dead.

I sobbed, pulling him closer to me, cradling his lifeless body in my arms.

Tears flowed down my cheeks, I pressed my head to his, and cried. I swallowed down those dry, choking sobs that heaved at my heart.

I was consumed by this awful sadness. It made me choke up, made me feeling like throwing up. I wanted to scream and sob, but there was no sound that came out.

Only this sickening sorrow that consumed me completely. And I felt dumb, and sad. So fucking sad.

I cradled my best friends dead body in my arms, sobbing into his lifeless arms, searching for some kind of God to give him back to me.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to save the day. Nobody was supposed to die.

He saved my wife's life. He took a bullet for her, he let his own life be taken, rather than Calla's.

It was a debt I could never pay back. He was dead...

and he's never coming back.



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