Chapter 8

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Fun Fact: I lost my virginity at prom

Yay!! I'm stereotypical!!

QUESTION: how did you guys find my book? (This one, or I Am Not A Prostitute)


"Calla your scaring me..." Sebastian said slowly, his hands tightly gripping the wheel of my Audi.

I had the gun shoved at his dick. I felt so empowered and yet scared as fuck. It was hard to believe that almost a year ago I was a little girl with no family, no money, bitchy friends, and no future. It was almost a year ago that I was taken away from my life, thrown into the world of the mafia, and falling in love with the man who turned my world upside down. So much had changed. When Sinister asked me to marry him, I thought that was the complete turning point of my life. I thought that was the moment when things would start to turn beautiful, where I would no longer have to worry about the next step to take in life, because at that time...I thought Sinister was the next step, and the last step.

Now, here I was, a stupid bitch who broke the code of silence, who put a target on her best friends back, and who was currently holding a gun to her friends dick.

Things have certainly changed, but it hadn't been for the better.

"Calla...why don't you put the gun down?" Sebastian asked shakily. He had been driving 15 miles under the speed limit for the past four hours, and it was pissing me off.

"Are you Asian? No. Are you a woman? No. Drive faster you prick." I demanded. I was pissed as fuck, this man had been lying to me the entire time.

He knew how much it killed me to not have Sinister. He knew how much it hurt me to feel so alone, and yet he let me fall down a dark path and destroy myself completely.

Sucks for you fuckhead.

His heavy foot slammed on the accelerator as the speedometer climbed over the speed limit.

"Calla you're not thinking clearly. You don't understand the severity of what you're doing, darlin'." His voice was slow and calculated, almost as if he thought I was a bomb that was about to explode at any second.

KABOOM. Kill yourself.

"You're right, Seb. I don't know what I'm doing, all I know is that I want to see Sinister. And I'll do anything to be with him."

His bright eyes flickered over to mine, "will you at least put the gun down? You're freaking me out. I don't trust you with that thing."

I hesitated, my finger hovered over the trigger. Finally I sighed, setting the gun down on my lap.

I've done a lot of crazy things in my short life. I've thrown a toilet seat at someone, I've killed a girl I once called my friend, I've threatened the lives of numerous mobsters, I even got fingered by Afanas...but breaking Omerta? That was some stupid shit.

I heard the buzzing of Sebastians phone on the dashboard, I quickly grabbed it, my eyes scanning the sleek screen for text messages.

There were 67 missed calls and 128 text messages, all from Afanas.

"Whats your password?" I glared at him.

He passed a Toyota on the freeway. Fuck Toyotas.

"I'm not telling you, darlin'." He smirked, his eyes glancing at me.

I huffed, typing in my best guesses for his password: Pussy, Obama, Viagra, Deep-Throat, Poptropica, and even Lesbian Threesome.

None of my guesses were right.

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