When You Cover For Him

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Tonight wasn't going as expected. It was a good day of unpacking the last bit of your belongings, so you planning on ending it with a nice bath. As you were getting ready for one, you paused when doing so for you heard the back door creak open. Once you made your way into the kitchen with a lamp, for some reason you grabbed that object, you ended up screaming. Michael was there in your kitchen. He had his hands raised and he was trying to calm you down after you dropped the lamp. It shattered, but that wasn't what silenced you. There was a pounding knock at your door. Michael ducked behind the counter but didn't leave. You immediately went to the door and pulled open, only then you seen an officer at your door. Your heart was pounding and you looked terrified, and that made the officer give you the same look. "Ma'am! Are you okay?" You hesitated to speak, but you then took in a deep breath when glancing behind you. You didn't see Michael anywhere, so you looked back at the officer. "Um, yeah. Just seen a, um, roach. Why? Did I scream too loud?" The officer cocked a brown but nodded. "Just patrolling the area if that's what you are wondering. This used to be Myers's house many years ago." You kept your confused look, and that made the officer widened his eyes and start to back up. "Um. Sorry. I didn't. I should go. You have a good night ma'am!" Before you could stop him, the officer rushed to his car. You watched him get in and drive off in a panic. In reaction to that, you turned around and closed the door. To be honest with yourself, you expected Michael to be standing there. "If you're hiding, then come out. I didn't turn you in," you said clearly. You glared towards the fingertips holding onto the edge of the counter. Michael then pulled himself up and started to back up. "Michael Myers?" you asked. Michael nodded, then left the house quickly. You didn't stop him or say anything, instead, you stared down at the shattered glass with a sigh. "Myers?"

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